#639 [F33] Fedora IoT Test Day 2020-09-30
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by sumantrom. Opened 4 years ago by sumantrom.

The IoT WG has agreed to have a test day on 2020-09-30 and will have some changes as well for this release cycle.
This issue serves as tracker for the progress of the test day

Metadata Update from @kparal:
- Issue tagged with: iot

4 years ago

As per our discussion today, this has been rebooked to Sept 30th.

Thanks for your help, @sumantrom !

As per our discussion today, this has been rebooked to Sept 30th.

Thanks for your help, @sumantrom !

No issues. Will be a ping away

@pwhalen we are closing in on the dates.. so 30th's fixed?
Also, which compose will we be testing?

@sumantrom I think its fine for the 30th. We should likely use the Beta compose, when we know which that is. The Parsec test is still in progress. We need some new functionality added to the package to test it with wifi. Once that is in place I can write the test and will add it here. There is a chance it wont be done in time but we would still like to go ahead with the test day next week.

@sumantrom I think its fine for the 30th. We should likely use the Beta compose, when we know which that is. The Parsec test is still in progress. We need some new functionality added to the package to test it with wifi. Once that is in place I can write the test and will add it here. There is a chance it wont be done in time but we would still like to go ahead with the test day next week.

Great, I was away for a few days, I will fix the pages and announce everywhere required.
Request you to please review the test cases, once I am done :)

Thanks! Looks good. I think for the test day we'll just use the Beta release, which will also allow for upgrades.

Do you know what "NOTE: there is a known issue about the links on the obtaining images page. For the test day, please use the images specified below!" referred to? I think we should be able to remove that.

How difficult would it be to add an additional testcase? I need to write something up for the Parsec change that landed just before Beta. It would be great to include it, but certainly not required.

Updated the page with the Beta links for IoT., removed the note about downloading the images.

How difficult would it be to add an additional testcase? I need to write something up for the Parsec change that landed just before Beta. It would be great to include it, but certainly not required.

It is trivial to extend the testdays page with a new testcase. Link it here and any of us can add it there. Thanks.

This test day ran successfully
@pwhalen and all of IoT WG Thanks for all the help! :)

Metadata Update from @sumantrom:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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