#726 [F39] Cloud Test Day
Closed: Fixed a year ago by adamwill. Opened 2 years ago by sumantrom.

Test Day Issue

This issue helps the QA team to take in test day request and put them on a release cycle. We might have a few follow up after a proposal is made.

  1. Name: Cloud Test Day
  2. Dates/Range of Dates: TDB
  3. Owner:
  4. Changeset wiki:

As Fedora Cloud is reinstated as an edition, this tracker will help plan the test day

Happy to jump in here at whatever level is required.

@davdunc , do you have a date in mind?

As far as things to test go, It might be good for people to:

  • Test the images that we automatically push to AWS
  • Download one of the QCOW2/raw images and import them into their favorite cloud for testing

As far as things to test go, It might be good for people to:

  • Test the images that we automatically push to AWS
  • Download one of the QCOW2/raw images and import them into their favorite cloud for testing

And is there an pref of dates ?
I suggest it 2023-10-03 would that be fine?

This went ahead, with moderate participation. I've imported the results from testdays to the wiki, minus the spam. Let's close the ticket.

Metadata Update from @adamwill:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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