#9 Server WG
Closed 3 years ago by pboy. Opened 3 years ago by nb.

I am interested in being on the Server WG as well.

+1, since nobody else on my team remembers volunteering to replace me :D

Guys, I really don't want to be the spoiler. According to our Governance Charter, voting had to be done by the end of December.

Let's go the FESCo way. And then when we are sailing over safe ground again, we can make the rules more workable.

Is this next slate thread ? Interested here as well.

@copperi, unfortunately I skipped accidentally the sub-topic new slate in today's IRC meeting. Sorry. I'll initialize a new slate soon. I don't remember if you introduced yourself in the first reboot session in December. If not, it might be useful to introduce yourself briefly either on the mailing list or the next IRC, especially what you are particularly interested in and what you would like to work on. Nevertheless, I'll put you on the list for the next slate.

New formation or Working Group completed IRC 2021-03-03

Metadata Update from @pboy:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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