| |
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
| |
function getDownloadsFromFormat(formatData, downloads) {
| |
for (var download in formatData) {
| |
downloadData = formatData[download];
| |
- entry = {location: downloadData.location, signature: downloadData.signature, sha256: downloadData.sha256};
| |
+ entry = { location: downloadData.location, signature: downloadData.signature, sha256: downloadData.sha256 };
| |
downloads[download] = entry;
| |
| |
| |
var coreos_download_app = new Vue({
| |
el: '#coreos-download-app',
| |
- created: function() { this.refreshStream() },
| |
+ created: function () { this.refreshStream() },
| |
data: {
| |
// currently shown tab
| |
shownId: IdPool.cloud_launchable,
| |
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
| |
| |
| |
watch: {
| |
- stream: function() {
| |
+ stream: function () {
| |
| |
| |
- loading: function() {
| |
+ loading: function () {
| |
// Scrolls the view to navigation bar after user has clicked one of the download button
| |
// This needs to watch loading variable since the whole page is re-rendered
| |
Vue.nextTick(function () {
| |
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
| |
| |
| |
// watching nested data: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46331968
| |
- "streamDataAll.stable": function(newVal, oldVal) {
| |
+ "streamDataAll.stable": function (newVal, oldVal) {
| |
if (isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.stable)) {
| |
| |
| |
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
| |
$("#stable-json").append(`<a class="text-gray-600" href="${baseUrl}/stable.json">JSON</a>`);
| |
$("#stable-json").append(` — <span>${this.timeSince(this.streamDataAll.stable.metadata['last-modified'])}</span>`);
| |
| |
- "streamDataAll.testing": function(newVal, oldVal) {
| |
+ "streamDataAll.testing": function (newVal, oldVal) {
| |
if (isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.testing)) {
| |
| |
| |
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
| |
$("#testing-json").append(`<a class="text-gray-600" href="${baseUrl}/testing.json">JSON</a>`);
| |
$("#testing-json").append(` — <span>${this.timeSince(this.streamDataAll.testing.metadata['last-modified'])}</span>`);
| |
| |
- "streamDataAll.next": function(newVal, oldVal) {
| |
+ "streamDataAll.next": function (newVal, oldVal) {
| |
if (isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.next)) {
| |
| |
| |
@@ -163,11 +163,11 @@
| |
| |
| |
methods: {
| |
- getObjectUrl: function(path) {
| |
+ getObjectUrl: function (path) {
| |
return getArtifactUrl(this.streamUrl, path);
| |
| |
// Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/6109105
| |
- timeSince: function(rfc3339_timestamp) {
| |
+ timeSince: function (rfc3339_timestamp) {
| |
var current = Date.now();
| |
var timestamp = Date.parse(rfc3339_timestamp);
| |
var elapsed = current - timestamp;
| |
@@ -180,24 +180,24 @@
| |
return n + ` ${s}` + (n == 1 ? "" : "s") + ' ago';
| |
| |
if (elapsed < msPerMinute) {
| |
- return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed/1000), "second");
| |
+ return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed / 1000), "second");
| |
} else if (elapsed < msPerHour) {
| |
- return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed/msPerMinute), "minute");
| |
+ return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed / msPerMinute), "minute");
| |
} else if (elapsed < msPerDay) {
| |
- return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed/msPerHour), "hour");
| |
+ return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed / msPerHour), "hour");
| |
} else if (elapsed < msPerMonth) {
| |
- return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed/msPerDay), "day");
| |
+ return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed / msPerDay), "day");
| |
} else if (elapsed < msPerYear) {
| |
- return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed/msPerMonth), "month");
| |
+ return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed / msPerMonth), "month");
| |
} else {
| |
- return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed/msPerYear), "year");
| |
+ return stringize(Math.floor(elapsed / msPerYear), "year");
| |
| |
| |
// Callback function for the navigation bar
| |
// Effects:
| |
// - hides the other tabs other than the clicked one
| |
// - replace the current URL parameter with the clicked one
| |
- toggleHidden: function(e) {
| |
+ toggleHidden: function (e) {
| |
const idList = Object.values(IdPool);
| |
Object.entries(tabInnerText).map(pair => {
| |
const key = pair[0];
| |
@@ -212,24 +212,24 @@
| |
| |
| |
// Render a navbar section
| |
- getNavbar: function(h) {
| |
+ getNavbar: function (h) {
| |
cloudIcon = h('i', { class: "fas fa-cloud mr-2" })
| |
- navCloudLaunchableBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.cloud_launchable ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [ cloudIcon, tabInnerText.cloud_launchable ]);
| |
- navCloudLaunchable = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [ navCloudLaunchableBtn ]);
| |
+ navCloudLaunchableBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.cloud_launchable ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [cloudIcon, tabInnerText.cloud_launchable]);
| |
+ navCloudLaunchable = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [navCloudLaunchableBtn]);
| |
| |
serverIcon = h('i', { class: "fas fa-server mr-2" })
| |
- navMetalVirtBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.metal_virtualized ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [ serverIcon, tabInnerText.metal_virtualized ]);
| |
- navMetalVirt = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [ navMetalVirtBtn ]);
| |
+ navMetalVirtBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.metal_virtualized ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [serverIcon, tabInnerText.metal_virtualized]);
| |
+ navMetalVirt = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [navMetalVirtBtn]);
| |
| |
cloudUploadIcon = h('i', { class: "fas fa-cloud-upload-alt mr-2" })
| |
- navCloudOperatorsBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.cloud_operators ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [ cloudUploadIcon, tabInnerText.cloud_operators ]);
| |
- navCloudOperators = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [ navCloudOperatorsBtn ]);
| |
+ navCloudOperatorsBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.cloud_operators ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [cloudUploadIcon, tabInnerText.cloud_operators]);
| |
+ navCloudOperators = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [navCloudOperatorsBtn]);
| |
| |
- navbar = h('ul', { class: "nav nav-tabs mt-3" }, [ navCloudLaunchable, navMetalVirt, navCloudOperators ]);
| |
+ navbar = h('ul', { class: "nav nav-tabs mt-3" }, [navCloudLaunchable, navMetalVirt, navCloudOperators]);
| |
return navbar;
| |
| |
// Introduction section for streams, the section above the navigation bar for platforms
| |
- getStreamIntro: function(h) {
| |
+ getStreamIntro: function (h) {
| |
| |
function onClick(e) {
| |
| |
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
| |
class: "fas fa-shield-alt fa-2x rounded-circle bg-fedora-blue text-white p-3 ml-4",
| |
}, "");
| |
stableHeading = h("h3", { class: "font-weight-light" }, "Stable");
| |
- stableReleaseVersion = h("h6", { class: "text-gray-500 mb-0", attrs: { id: "stable-version" }}, isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.stable) ? "" : "v " + this.streamDataAll.stable.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.metal.release);
| |
+ stableReleaseVersion = h("h6", { class: "text-gray-500 mb-0", attrs: { id: "stable-version" } }, isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.stable) ? "" : "v " + this.streamDataAll.stable.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.metal.release);
| |
stableJSON = h('p', { class: "text-gray-500", attrs: { id: "stable-json" } }, [
| |
h('span', {}, [
| |
h('a', { class: "font-weight-bold text-gray-500", attrs: { href: `${baseUrl}/stable.json` } }, "JSON")
| |
@@ -268,26 +268,26 @@
| |
(isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.stable)) ? null : " — ",
| |
(isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.stable)) ? null : h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal" }, this.timeSince(this.streamDataAll.stable.metadata['last-modified']))
| |
| |
- stableIconContainer = h("div", { class: "col-4" }, [ stableIcon ])
| |
- stableReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [ stableHeading, stableReleaseVersion, stableJSON ])
| |
- stableHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [ stableIconContainer, stableReleaseJSONContainer ])
| |
+ stableIconContainer = h("div", { class: "col-4" }, [stableIcon])
| |
+ stableReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [stableHeading, stableReleaseVersion, stableJSON])
| |
+ stableHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [stableIconContainer, stableReleaseJSONContainer])
| |
| |
stableIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Stable stream should be used by production clusters. Versions of Fedora CoreOS are battle-tested within the Testing and Next streams before being promoted.");
| |
stableReleaseLink = h('button',
| |
- {
| |
- class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-blue",
| |
- attrs: { id: "stable" },
| |
- on: {
| |
- click: onClick
| |
- }
| |
- }, "Show Downloads");
| |
+ {
| |
+ class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-blue",
| |
+ attrs: { id: "stable" },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: onClick
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, "Show Downloads");
| |
| |
// then Testing stream
| |
testingIcon = h("i", {
| |
class: "fas fa-flask fa-2x rounded-circle bg-fedora-green text-white p-3 ml-4",
| |
}, "");
| |
testingHeading = h("h3", { class: "font-weight-light" }, "Testing");
| |
- testingReleaseVersion = h("h6", { class: "text-gray-500 mb-0", attrs: { id: "testing-version" }}, isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.testing) ? "" : "v " + this.streamDataAll.testing.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.metal.release);
| |
+ testingReleaseVersion = h("h6", { class: "text-gray-500 mb-0", attrs: { id: "testing-version" } }, isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.testing) ? "" : "v " + this.streamDataAll.testing.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.metal.release);
| |
testingJSON = h('p', { class: "text-gray-500", attrs: { id: "testing-json" } }, [
| |
h('span', {}, [
| |
h('a', { class: "font-weight-bold text-gray-500", attrs: { href: `${baseUrl}/testing.json` } }, "JSON")
| |
@@ -295,26 +295,26 @@
| |
(isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.testing)) ? null : " — ",
| |
(isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.testing)) ? null : h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal" }, this.timeSince(this.streamDataAll.testing.metadata['last-modified']))
| |
| |
- testingIconContainer = h("div", { class: "col-4" }, [ testingIcon ])
| |
- testingReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [ testingHeading, testingReleaseVersion, testingJSON ])
| |
- testingHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [ testingIconContainer, testingReleaseJSONContainer ])
| |
+ testingIconContainer = h("div", { class: "col-4" }, [testingIcon])
| |
+ testingReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [testingHeading, testingReleaseVersion, testingJSON])
| |
+ testingHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [testingIconContainer, testingReleaseJSONContainer])
| |
| |
testingIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Testing stream consists of promoted Next releases. Mix a few Testing machines into your production clusters to catch any bugs specific to your hardware or configuration.");
| |
testingReleaseLink = h('button',
| |
- {
| |
- class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-green",
| |
- attrs: { id: "testing" },
| |
- on: {
| |
- click: onClick
| |
- }
| |
- }, "Show Downloads");
| |
+ {
| |
+ class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-green",
| |
+ attrs: { id: "testing" },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: onClick
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, "Show Downloads");
| |
| |
// then Next stream
| |
nextIcon = h("i", {
| |
class: "fas fa-layer-group fa-2x rounded-circle bg-fedora-orange text-white p-3 ml-4",
| |
}, "");
| |
nextHeading = h("h3", { class: "font-weight-light" }, "Next");
| |
- nextReleaseVersion = h("h6", { class: "text-gray-500 mb-0", attrs: { id: "next-version" }}, isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.next) ? "" : "v " + this.streamDataAll.next.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.metal.release);
| |
+ nextReleaseVersion = h("h6", { class: "text-gray-500 mb-0", attrs: { id: "next-version" } }, isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.next) ? "" : "v " + this.streamDataAll.next.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.metal.release);
| |
nextJSON = h('p', { class: "text-gray-500", attrs: { id: "next-json" } }, [
| |
h('span', {}, [
| |
h('a', { class: "font-weight-bold text-gray-500", attrs: { href: `${baseUrl}/next.json` } }, "JSON")
| |
@@ -322,20 +322,20 @@
| |
(isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.next)) ? null : " — ",
| |
(isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.next)) ? null : h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal" }, this.timeSince(this.streamDataAll.next.metadata['last-modified']))
| |
| |
- nextIconContainer = h("div", { class: "col-4" }, [ nextIcon ])
| |
- nextReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [ nextHeading, nextReleaseVersion, nextJSON ])
| |
- nextHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [ nextIconContainer, nextReleaseJSONContainer ])
| |
+ nextIconContainer = h("div", { class: "col-4" }, [nextIcon])
| |
+ nextReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [nextHeading, nextReleaseVersion, nextJSON])
| |
+ nextHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [nextIconContainer, nextReleaseJSONContainer])
| |
| |
| |
nextIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Next stream closely tracks current development work and is released frequently. The newest versions of the Linux kernel, Systemd, and other components will be available for testing.");
| |
nextReleaseLink = h('button',
| |
- {
| |
- class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-orange",
| |
- attrs: { id: "next" },
| |
- on: {
| |
- click: onClick
| |
- }
| |
- }, "Show Downloads");
| |
+ {
| |
+ class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-orange",
| |
+ attrs: { id: "next" },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: onClick
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, "Show Downloads");
| |
| |
stableDiv = h('div', {
| |
class: "col-12 col-lg-4 border-left border-fedora-blue pt-3",
| |
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
| |
h('a', {
| |
class: "font-weight-bold text-gray-500",
| |
attrs: {
| |
- href: overviewPageUrl
| |
+ href: `${overviewPageUrl}?stream=${coreos_download_app.stream}`
| |
| |
}, `View Releases`),
| |
| |
@@ -382,25 +382,25 @@
| |
wrapperDiv = h('div', {}, [title, streamsIntroDiv, displayedStreamTitle]);
| |
return wrapperDiv;
| |
| |
- isAws: function(platform) {
| |
+ isAws: function (platform) {
| |
return platform == "aws";
| |
| |
- isGcp: function(platform) {
| |
+ isGcp: function (platform) {
| |
return platform == "gcp";
| |
| |
- isVirtualizedImage: function(platform) {
| |
+ isVirtualizedImage: function (platform) {
| |
return virtualizedImages.includes(platform);
| |
| |
- isCloudImage: function(platform) {
| |
+ isCloudImage: function (platform) {
| |
return cloudImages.includes(platform);
| |
| |
- isBareMetalImage: function(platform) {
| |
+ isBareMetalImage: function (platform) {
| |
return platform == "metal";
| |
| |
// Load stream information to display. Note that `loadStreamDisplay` does
| |
// not deep-copy information from `streamData` or elsewhere into
| |
// `streamDisplay`.
| |
- loadStreamDisplay: function() {
| |
+ loadStreamDisplay: function () {
| |
this.streamDisplay = {
| |
cloudLaunchable: {},
| |
bareMetal: {},
| |
@@ -431,36 +431,36 @@
| |
for (var region in regions) {
| |
const release = getMember(regions[region], "release");
| |
const image = getMember(regions[region], "image");
| |
- displayEntries.push({platform: prettyPlatform, region: region, release: release, image: image});
| |
+ displayEntries.push({ platform: prettyPlatform, region: region, release: release, image: image });
| |
| |
// put 'us', 'eu', and 'ap' first since those are the cheapest and
| |
// most popular; then everything else
| |
const continentOrdering = ["us", "eu", "ap"];
| |
- displayEntries = displayEntries.sort(function(a, b) {
| |
- const aIdx = continentOrdering.indexOf(a.region.slice(0, 2));
| |
- const bIdx = continentOrdering.indexOf(b.region.slice(0, 2));
| |
- if (aIdx == bIdx) {
| |
- return a.region.localeCompare(b.region);
| |
- } else if (aIdx == -1) {
| |
- return 1;
| |
- } else if (bIdx == -1){
| |
- return -1;
| |
- } else {
| |
- return aIdx - bIdx;
| |
- }
| |
+ displayEntries = displayEntries.sort(function (a, b) {
| |
+ const aIdx = continentOrdering.indexOf(a.region.slice(0, 2));
| |
+ const bIdx = continentOrdering.indexOf(b.region.slice(0, 2));
| |
+ if (aIdx == bIdx) {
| |
+ return a.region.localeCompare(b.region);
| |
+ } else if (aIdx == -1) {
| |
+ return 1;
| |
+ } else if (bIdx == -1) {
| |
+ return -1;
| |
+ } else {
| |
+ return aIdx - bIdx;
| |
+ }
| |
| |
| |
- Vue.set(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable, platform, {list: displayEntries});
| |
+ Vue.set(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable, platform, { list: displayEntries });
| |
| |
else if (this.isGcp(platform)) {
| |
const name = getMember(images[platform], "name");
| |
const family = getMember(images[platform], "family");
| |
const project = getMember(images[platform], "project");
| |
- Vue.set(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable, platform, {platform: prettyPlatform, name, family, project});
| |
+ Vue.set(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable, platform, { platform: prettyPlatform, name, family, project });
| |
| |
else {
| |
const image = getMember(images[platform], "image");
| |
- Vue.set(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable, platform, {platform: prettyPlatform, image: image});
| |
+ Vue.set(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable, platform, { platform: prettyPlatform, image: image });
| |
| |
| |
const artifacts = getMember(architectureData, "artifacts");
| |
@@ -475,10 +475,10 @@
| |
// in the case where each individual format has a separate pretty
| |
// name, we want the artifacts listed in alphabetical order
| |
for (var format in formats) {
| |
- pretty = getPrettyPlatform(getPrettyPlatform(platform, format));
| |
- prettyFormats.push({format: format, pretty: pretty});
| |
+ pretty = getPrettyPlatform(getPrettyPlatform(platform, format));
| |
+ prettyFormats.push({ format: format, pretty: pretty });
| |
| |
- prettyFormats.sort(function(a, b) { return a.pretty.localeCompare(b.pretty); });
| |
+ prettyFormats.sort(function (a, b) { return a.pretty.localeCompare(b.pretty); });
| |
for (i = 0; i < prettyFormats.length; i++) {
| |
const format = prettyFormats[i].format;
| |
const prettyPlatform = prettyFormats[i].pretty;
| |
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
| |
function addDisplayEntry(display, platform, format, formats, release, prettyPlatform, extension) {
| |
downloads = {};
| |
getDownloadsFromFormat(formats[format], downloads);
| |
- displayEntry = {platform: prettyPlatform, release: release, downloads: downloads, extension: extension};
| |
+ displayEntry = { platform: prettyPlatform, release: release, downloads: downloads, extension: extension };
| |
Vue.set(display, platform + "-" + format, displayEntry);
| |
| |
if (this.isCloudImage(platform)) {
| |
@@ -508,46 +508,46 @@
| |
| |
| |
// Load all stream metadata for rendering
| |
- refreshStream: function() {
| |
+ refreshStream: function () {
| |
const self = this;
| |
self.loading = true
| |
self.streamUrl = baseUrl
| |
fetchStreamData(baseUrl, "stable")
| |
- .then(streamData => {
| |
- self.streamDataAll.stable = streamData;
| |
- return fetchStreamData(baseUrl, "testing");
| |
- })
| |
- .then(streamData => {
| |
- self.streamDataAll.testing = streamData;
| |
- return fetchStreamData(baseUrl, "next");
| |
- })
| |
- .then(streamData => {
| |
- self.streamDataAll.next = streamData;
| |
- return;
| |
- })
| |
- .then(() =>{
| |
- const streamData = self.streamDataAll[self.stream];
| |
- self.loading = false;
| |
- self.streamData = isEmptyObj(streamData) ? null : streamData;
| |
- self.loadStreamDisplay();
| |
- })
| |
+ .then(streamData => {
| |
+ self.streamDataAll.stable = streamData;
| |
+ return fetchStreamData(baseUrl, "testing");
| |
+ })
| |
+ .then(streamData => {
| |
+ self.streamDataAll.testing = streamData;
| |
+ return fetchStreamData(baseUrl, "next");
| |
+ })
| |
+ .then(streamData => {
| |
+ self.streamDataAll.next = streamData;
| |
+ return;
| |
+ })
| |
+ .then(() => {
| |
+ const streamData = self.streamDataAll[self.stream];
| |
+ self.loading = false;
| |
+ self.streamData = isEmptyObj(streamData) ? null : streamData;
| |
+ self.loadStreamDisplay();
| |
+ })
| |
| |
// Render the `Verify signature & SHA256` modal template
| |
- getSignatureAndShaModal: function(h) {
| |
- return h('div', { class: "modal", attrs: { id: "signatureAndShaModal", tabindex: "-1", role: "dialog", "aria-labelledby": "signatureAndShaModalLabel", "aria-hidden": "true" }}, [
| |
- h('div', { class: "modal-dialog modal-lg modal-dialog-centered", attrs: { role: "document" }}, [
| |
+ getSignatureAndShaModal: function (h) {
| |
+ return h('div', { class: "modal", attrs: { id: "signatureAndShaModal", tabindex: "-1", role: "dialog", "aria-labelledby": "signatureAndShaModalLabel", "aria-hidden": "true" } }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "modal-dialog modal-lg modal-dialog-centered", attrs: { role: "document" } }, [
| |
h('div', { class: "modal-content" }, [
| |
h('div', { class: "modal-header" }, [
| |
- h('h5', { class: "modal-title", attrs: { id: "signatureAndShaModalTitle" }}, [
| |
+ h('h5', { class: "modal-title", attrs: { id: "signatureAndShaModalTitle" } }, [
| |
"Verify signature & SHA256"
| |
| |
- h('button', { class: "close", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal", "aria-label": "Close" }}, [
| |
- h('span', { attrs: { "aria-hidden": "true" }}, [ "×" ])
| |
+ h('button', { class: "close", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal", "aria-label": "Close" } }, [
| |
+ h('span', { attrs: { "aria-hidden": "true" } }, ["×"])
| |
| |
| |
- h('div', { class: "modal-body", attrs: { id: "modal-body" }}, [ "Loading..." ]),
| |
+ h('div', { class: "modal-body", attrs: { id: "modal-body" } }, ["Loading..."]),
| |
h('div', { class: "modal-footer" }, [
| |
- h('button', { class: "btn btn-secondary", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal" }}, [
| |
+ h('button', { class: "btn btn-secondary", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal" } }, [
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
| |
| |
| |
| |
- render: function(h) {
| |
+ render: function (h) {
| |
if (window.location.href.match(/^.*\/coreos\/download/) == null) {
| |
| |
| |
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@
| |
searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
| |
// switch to specified tab if `tab` parameter is set
| |
if (searchParams.has('tab')) {
| |
- switch(searchParams.get('tab')) {
| |
+ switch (searchParams.get('tab')) {
| |
case 'cloud_launchable':
| |
this.shownId = IdPool.cloud_launchable;
| |
| |
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
| |
| |
// switch to specified stream if `stream` parameter is set
| |
if (searchParams.has('stream')) {
| |
- switch(searchParams.get('stream')) {
| |
+ switch (searchParams.get('stream')) {
| |
case 'stable':
| |
this.stream = "stable";
| |
| |
@@ -603,85 +603,161 @@
| |
| |
var signatureSha256VerificationModal = this.getSignatureAndShaModal(h);
| |
h1Title = h('h1', { class: "font-weight-light text-center my-5" }, "Download Fedora CoreOS");
| |
- streamSelectContainer = h('div', { class: "pb-0 mb-3" }, [ this.getStreamIntro(h), this.getNavbar(h) ]);
| |
+ streamSelectContainer = h('div', { class: "pb-0 mb-3" }, [this.getStreamIntro(h), this.getNavbar(h)]);
| |
if (this.loading) {
| |
- streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [ streamSelectContainer ]) ]);
| |
- downloadDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-white pb-5" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, "Loading...") ]);
| |
- return h('div', {}, [ h1Title, streamInfoDiv, downloadDiv ]);
| |
+ streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light" }, [h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [streamSelectContainer])]);
| |
+ downloadDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-white pb-5" }, [h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, "Loading...")]);
| |
+ return h('div', {}, [h1Title, streamInfoDiv, downloadDiv]);
| |
| |
else if (this.streamData) {
| |
cloudLaunchableSection = {};
| |
cloudLaunchable = {};
| |
- virtualizedTitle = h('h3', { class:"font-weight-light" }, "Virtualized");
| |
+ virtualizedTitle = h('h3', { class: "font-weight-light" }, "Virtualized");
| |
virtualizedSection = {};
| |
virtualized = {};
| |
- bareMetalTitle = h('h3', { class:"font-weight-light" }, "Bare Metal");
| |
+ bareMetalTitle = h('h3', { class: "font-weight-light" }, "Bare Metal");
| |
bareMetalSection = {};
| |
bareMetal = {};
| |
cloudSection = {};
| |
cloud = {};
| |
| |
if (this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable) {
| |
- cloudLaunchableSection = h('div', {}, Object.entries(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable).map(function(entry) {
| |
+ cloudLaunchableSection = Object.entries(this.streamDisplay.cloudLaunchable).map(function (entry) {
| |
platform = entry[0];
| |
displayInfo = entry[1];
| |
if (coreos_download_app.isAws(platform)) {
| |
if (displayInfo.list) {
| |
- return h('div', {}, displayInfo.list.map(function(amiInfo) {
| |
- return h('div', { class: "p-2 m-2" }, [
| |
- amiInfo.platform ? h('div', { class: "font-weight-bold" }, amiInfo.platform) : null,
| |
- amiInfo.region ? h('div', {}, [ "(", amiInfo.region, ")" ]) : null,
| |
- amiInfo.release ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
- h('span', {}, [ amiInfo.release, " " ]),
| |
- h('span', { class: "text-secondary" }, coreos_download_app.streamData.stream)
| |
- ]) : null,
| |
- amiInfo.image ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
- h('a', {
| |
- attrs: {
| |
- href: "https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=" + amiInfo.region + "#launchAmi=" + amiInfo.image
| |
- }
| |
- }, amiInfo.image)
| |
- ]) : null
| |
- ])
| |
- }));
| |
+ const toggleRegion = function (e) {
| |
+ e.preventDefault();
| |
+ let awsCloudLaunchableDiv = document.getElementById("aws-cloud-launchables");
| |
+ awsCloudLaunchableDiv.childNodes.forEach(childNode => {
| |
+ if (childNode.id == null || childNode.id.length == 0) return;
| |
+ if (childNode.id == e.target.innerText) {
| |
+ childNode.hidden = false;
| |
+ } else {
| |
+ childNode.hidden = true;
| |
+ }
| |
+ });
| |
+ };
| |
+ return h('div', { class: "col-12 col-lg-6", attrs: { id: "aws-cloud-launchables" } }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "px-2 mx-2 pt-2 mt-2 pb-0 mb-0" }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "font-weight-bold" }, getPrettyPlatform(platform, null)),
| |
+ h('span', { class: "text-secondary" }, [
| |
+ coreos_download_app.streamData.stream,
| |
+ h('div', { class: "dropdown" }, [
| |
+ h('a', {
| |
+ class: "dropdown-toggle",
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ "href": "#",
| |
+ "role": "button",
| |
+ "data-toggle": "dropdown",
| |
+ "aria-haspopup": true,
| |
+ "aria-expanded": false
| |
+ },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: function (e) {
| |
+ e.preventDefault();
| |
+ }
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, "Regions"),
| |
+ h('div', { class: "dropdown-menu" }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "container" }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "row" }, [
| |
+ // display region list in two columns
| |
+ h('div', { class: "col-12 col-sm-6 border-right px-0" }, [
| |
+ displayInfo.list.slice(0, Math.ceil(displayInfo.list.length / 2)).map(amiInfo => {
| |
+ if (amiInfo.region == null || amiInfo.region.length == 0) return;
| |
+ return h('a', {
| |
+ class: "dropdown-item",
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ href: "#",
| |
+ },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: toggleRegion
| |
+ }
| |
+ },
| |
+ amiInfo.region);
| |
+ })
| |
+ ]),
| |
+ h('div', { class: "col-12 col-sm-6 px-0" }, [
| |
+ displayInfo.list.slice(Math.ceil(displayInfo.list.length / 2), displayInfo.list.length).map(amiInfo => {
| |
+ if (amiInfo.region == null || amiInfo.region.length == 0) return;
| |
+ return h('a', {
| |
+ class: "dropdown-item",
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ href: "#",
| |
+ },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: toggleRegion
| |
+ }
| |
+ },
| |
+ amiInfo.region);
| |
+ })
| |
+ ])
| |
+ ])
| |
+ ])
| |
+ ]),
| |
+ ]),
| |
+ ])
| |
+ ]),
| |
+ displayInfo.list.map(function (amiInfo) {
| |
+ // by default, only show us-east-1
| |
+ return h('div', { class: "px-2 mx-2 pb-2 mb-2 pt-0 mt-0", attrs: { id: amiInfo.region, hidden: amiInfo.region != "us-east-1" } }, [
| |
+ amiInfo.region ? h('div', {}, ["- Region: ", amiInfo.region]) : null,
| |
+ amiInfo.release ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
+ h('span', {}, ["Release: ", amiInfo.release])
| |
+ ]) : null,
| |
+ amiInfo.image ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
+ "Image: ",
| |
+ h('a', {
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ href: "https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=" + amiInfo.region + "#launchAmi=" + amiInfo.image
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, amiInfo.image)
| |
+ ]) : null
| |
+ ])
| |
+ })
| |
+ ]);
| |
| |
| |
if (coreos_download_app.isGcp(platform)) {
| |
- return h('div', { class: "p-2 m-2" }, [
| |
- displayInfo.platform ? h('div', { class: "font-weight-bold" }, displayInfo.platform) : null,
| |
- coreos_download_app.streamData.stream ? h('span', { class: "text-secondary" }, coreos_download_app.streamData.stream) : null,
| |
- displayInfo.project ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [ "Project: ", displayInfo.project ]) : null,
| |
- displayInfo.family ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
- "Family: ",
| |
- h('a', {
| |
- attrs: {
| |
- href: `https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/details/fedora-coreos-cloud/fedora-coreos-${coreos_download_app.streamData.stream}`
| |
- }
| |
- }, displayInfo.family),
| |
- " (",
| |
- h('a', {
| |
- attrs: {
| |
- href: "#"
| |
- },
| |
- on: {
| |
- click: function(e) {
| |
- e.preventDefault();
| |
- let gcpNameElement = e.target.parentElement.nextSibling;
| |
- gcpNameElement.hidden = !gcpNameElement.hidden;
| |
+ return h('div', { class: "col-12 col-lg-6" }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "p-2 m-2" }, [
| |
+ displayInfo.platform ? h('div', { class: "font-weight-bold" }, displayInfo.platform) : null,
| |
+ coreos_download_app.streamData.stream ? h('span', { class: "text-secondary" }, coreos_download_app.streamData.stream) : null,
| |
+ displayInfo.project ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, ["Project: ", displayInfo.project]) : null,
| |
+ displayInfo.family ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
+ "Family: ",
| |
+ h('a', {
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ href: `https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/details/fedora-coreos-cloud/fedora-coreos-${coreos_download_app.streamData.stream}`
| |
| |
- }
| |
- }, 'details'),
| |
- ")"]
| |
- ) : null,
| |
- displayInfo.name ? h('div', { class: "ml-2", attrs: { hidden: true } }, [
| |
- h('span', {}, [
| |
- `- The current latest image in the`,
| |
- h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal font-italic" }, ` ${displayInfo.family}`),
| |
- " image family is ",
| |
- h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal font-italic" }, displayInfo.name),
| |
- "."
| |
- ])
| |
- ]) : null
| |
+ }, displayInfo.family),
| |
+ " (",
| |
+ h('a', {
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ href: "#"
| |
+ },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: function (e) {
| |
+ e.preventDefault();
| |
+ let gcpNameElement = e.target.parentElement.nextSibling;
| |
+ gcpNameElement.hidden = !gcpNameElement.hidden;
| |
+ }
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, 'details'),
| |
+ ")"]
| |
+ ) : null,
| |
+ displayInfo.name ? h('div', { class: "ml-2", attrs: { hidden: true } }, [
| |
+ h('span', {}, [
| |
+ `- The current latest image in the`,
| |
+ h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal font-italic" }, ` ${displayInfo.family}`),
| |
+ " image family is ",
| |
+ h('span', { class: "font-weight-normal font-italic" }, displayInfo.name),
| |
+ "."
| |
+ ])
| |
+ ]) : null
| |
+ ])
| |
| |
| |
else {
| |
@@ -690,16 +766,16 @@
| |
displayInfo.image ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, displayInfo.image) : null
| |
| |
| |
- }));
| |
+ });
| |
| |
else {
| |
cloudLaunchableSection = h('div', {}, "No cloud launchable images found.");
| |
| |
- cloudLaunchable = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2" }, [ cloudLaunchableSection ]);
| |
+ cloudLaunchable = h('div', { class: "row col-12 py-2 my-2" }, [cloudLaunchableSection]);
| |
| |
function createDownloadsSubSection(displayDownloads, contentType, showTitle, imageType) {
| |
verifyBlurb =
| |
- `<div class="mb-3">
| |
+ `<div class="mb-3">
| |
Verify your download using the detached signature after importing <a href="https://getfedora.org/security/">Fedora's GPG signing keys</a>.
| |
The detached signature is for the released artifact itself. If there is a good signature from one of the Fedora keys, and the SHA256 checksum matches, then the download is valid.
| |
| |
@@ -711,7 +787,7 @@
| |
h('div', {}, [
| |
h('button', {
| |
on: {
| |
- click: function(e) {
| |
+ click: function (e) {
| |
// on click edit the content of popup modal
| |
if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) {
| |
| |
@@ -722,21 +798,21 @@
| |
let aChecksum = null;
| |
let aSignature = null;
| |
// Show SHA256 and initialize the <a> tags if data is available
| |
- if(displayDownloads.sha256) {
| |
+ if (displayDownloads.sha256) {
| |
let d = document.createElement('div');
| |
| |
- .html("SHA256: " + displayDownloads.sha256)
| |
- .appendTo(p);
| |
+ .html("SHA256: " + displayDownloads.sha256)
| |
+ .appendTo(p);
| |
| |
aChecksum = document.createElement('a');
| |
$(aChecksum).attr("href", "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent("SHA256 (" + getFilename(displayDownloads.location) + ") = " + displayDownloads.sha256))
| |
- .attr("download", getFilename(displayDownloads.location) + "-CHECKSUM")
| |
- .html("checksum file");
| |
+ .attr("download", getFilename(displayDownloads.location) + "-CHECKSUM")
| |
+ .html("checksum file");
| |
| |
- if(displayDownloads.signature) {
| |
+ if (displayDownloads.signature) {
| |
aSignature = document.createElement('a');
| |
$(aSignature).attr("href", displayDownloads.signature)
| |
- .html("signature");
| |
+ .html("signature");
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -747,9 +823,9 @@
| |
let li = document.createElement('li');
| |
p = document.createElement('p');
| |
$(p).append("Download the ")
| |
- .append(aChecksum)
| |
- .append(aChecksum && aSignature ? " and " : "")
| |
- .append(aSignature);
| |
+ .append(aChecksum)
| |
+ .append(aChecksum && aSignature ? " and " : "")
| |
+ .append(aSignature);
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -761,7 +837,7 @@
| |
code = document.createElement('code');
| |
pre = document.createElement('pre');
| |
$(code).html("curl https://getfedora.org/static/fedora.gpg | gpg --import")
| |
- .appendTo(pre);
| |
+ .appendTo(pre);
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -773,7 +849,7 @@
| |
code = document.createElement('code');
| |
pre = document.createElement('pre');
| |
$(code).html("gpg --verify " + getFilename(displayDownloads.signature) + " " + getFilename(displayDownloads.location))
| |
- .appendTo(pre);
| |
+ .appendTo(pre);
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -785,7 +861,7 @@
| |
code = document.createElement('code');
| |
pre = document.createElement('pre');
| |
$(code).html("sha256sum -c " + getFilename(displayDownloads.location) + "-CHECKSUM")
| |
- .appendTo(pre);
| |
+ .appendTo(pre);
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -806,14 +882,14 @@
| |
]) : null
| |
| |
function createArtifactsSection(displayArtifacts, imageType) {
| |
- return h('div', {}, Object.entries(displayArtifacts).map(function(entry) {
| |
+ return h('div', { class: imageType == "cloud" ? "row" : "" }, Object.entries(displayArtifacts).map(function (entry) {
| |
platformFormat = entry[0];
| |
displayInfo = entry[1];
| |
- return h('div', { class: "p-2 m-2" }, [
| |
+ return h('div', { class: imageType == "cloud" ? "py-2 my-2 col-12 col-lg-6" : "p-2 m-2" }, [
| |
displayInfo.platform ? h('div', { class: "font-weight-bold" }, displayInfo.platform) : null,
| |
- displayInfo.extension ? h('div', {}, [ "(", displayInfo.extension, ")" ]) : null,
| |
+ displayInfo.extension ? h('div', {}, ["(", displayInfo.extension, ")"]) : null,
| |
displayInfo.release ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
- h('span', {}, [ displayInfo.release, " " ]),
| |
+ h('span', {}, [displayInfo.release, " "]),
| |
h('span', { class: "text-secondary" }, coreos_download_app.streamData.stream)
| |
]) : null,
| |
displayInfo.downloads ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [
| |
@@ -830,7 +906,7 @@
| |
else {
| |
bareMetalSection = h('div', {}, "No bare metal images found.");
| |
| |
- bareMetal = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2" }, [ bareMetalSection ]);
| |
+ bareMetal = h('div', { class: "col-12" }, [bareMetalSection]);
| |
| |
if (this.streamDisplay.virtualized) {
| |
virtualizedSection = createArtifactsSection(this.streamDisplay.virtualized, 'virtualized');
| |
@@ -838,7 +914,7 @@
| |
else {
| |
virtualizedSection = h('div', {}, "No virtualized images found.");
| |
| |
- virtualized = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2" }, [ virtualizedSection ]);
| |
+ virtualized = h('div', { class: "col-12" }, [virtualizedSection]);
| |
| |
if (this.streamDisplay.cloud) {
| |
cloudSection = createArtifactsSection(this.streamDisplay.cloud, 'cloud');
| |
@@ -846,16 +922,16 @@
| |
else {
| |
cloudSection = h('div', {}, "No cloud images found.");
| |
| |
- cloud = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2" }, [ cloudSection ]);
| |
+ cloud = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2" }, [cloudSection]);
| |
| |
- let bareMetalContainer = h('div', { class: "col-lg-6" }, [ bareMetalTitle, bareMetal ]);
| |
- let virtualizedContainer = h('div', { class: "col-lg-6" }, [ virtualizedTitle, virtualized ]);
| |
+ let bareMetalContainer = h('div', { class: "col-lg-6 my-2 py-2" }, [bareMetalTitle, bareMetal]);
| |
+ let virtualizedContainer = h('div', { class: "col-lg-6 my-2 py-2" }, [virtualizedTitle, virtualized]);
| |
| |
- let cloudLaunchableContainer = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.cloud_launchable, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.cloud_launchable } }, [ cloudLaunchable ]);
| |
- let metalVirtContainer = h('div', { class: "row col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.metal_virtualized, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.metal_virtualized } }, [ bareMetalContainer, virtualizedContainer ]);
| |
- let cloudOperatorsContainer = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.cloud_operators, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.cloud_operators } }, [ cloud ]);
| |
+ let cloudLaunchableContainer = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.cloud_launchable, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.cloud_launchable } }, [cloudLaunchable]);
| |
+ let metalVirtContainer = h('div', { class: "row col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.metal_virtualized, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.metal_virtualized } }, [bareMetalContainer, virtualizedContainer]);
| |
+ let cloudOperatorsContainer = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.cloud_operators, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.cloud_operators } }, [cloud]);
| |
| |
- streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [ streamSelectContainer ]) ]);
| |
+ streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light" }, [h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [streamSelectContainer])]);
| |
downloadDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-white pb-5" }, [
| |
h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [
| |
| |
@@ -868,8 +944,8 @@
| |
return h('div', {}, [h1Title, streamInfoDiv, downloadDiv]);
| |
| |
else {
| |
- errorDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-transparent py-5" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, "No stream data found!") ]);
| |
- return h('div', {}, [ errorDiv ]);
| |
+ errorDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-transparent py-5" }, [h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, "No stream data found!")]);
| |
+ return h('div', {}, [errorDiv]);
| |
| |
| |
| |
This changes cleans up AWS cloud launchable regions such that by default only us-east-1 is displayed and only display other regions when pressing the "show all regions" button.
Additional changes include updating the "View Releases" button to link to corresponding stream in release note page instead of to default stable stream, and minor styling modifications. Also, split cloud operators tab into two columns.
Signed-off-by: Allen Bai abai@redhat.com