#132 coreos-download: add PXE rootfs image
Merged 4 years ago by dustymabe. Opened 4 years ago by bgilbert.
Unknown source rootfs  into  master

@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@

      "raw.xz": "Raw",

      "4k.raw.xz": "Raw (4k Native)",

      "iso": "ISO",

-     "pxe": "PXE",

-     "installer.iso": "Installer (ISO)",

-     "installer-pxe": "Installer (PXE)"

+     "pxe": "PXE"


    "qemu": "QEMU",

    "virtualbox": "VirtualBox",
@@ -896,7 +894,8 @@

              displayInfo.downloads ? h('div', { class: "ml-2" }, [

                createDownloadsSubSection(displayInfo.downloads.disk, 'disk', false, imageType),

                createDownloadsSubSection(displayInfo.downloads.kernel, 'kernel', true, imageType),

-               createDownloadsSubSection(displayInfo.downloads.initramfs, 'initramfs', true, imageType)

+               createDownloadsSubSection(displayInfo.downloads.initramfs, 'initramfs', true, imageType),

+               createDownloadsSubSection(displayInfo.downloads.rootfs, 'rootfs', true, imageType)

              ]) : null



Also drop the pretty names for the old installer images.

LGTM - though I have a question.. Does this behave appropriately if the rootfs doesn't exist? i.e., if we were to merge it today (none of our releases have rootfs) how would it behave?

It should conditionally display, same as for the existing disk, kernel, and initramfs artifacts.

Code LGTM and ran locally to make sure.. worked as expected

Pull-Request has been merged by dustymabe

4 years ago