#192 coreos-download: add support for Azure Stack images
Merged 3 years ago by thunderbirdtr. Opened 3 years ago by jlebon.
fedora-web/ jlebon/websites pr/azurestack  into  master

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 

  //const baseUrl = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/fcos-builds/streams'

  const baseUrl = 'https://builds.coreos.fedoraproject.org/streams'

  // list of cloud image artifacts

- const cloudImages = ['aws', 'azure', 'aliyun', 'digitalocean', 'exoscale', 'gcp', 'ibmcloud', 'openstack', 'packet', 'vultr']

+ const cloudImages = ['aws', 'azure', 'azurestack', 'aliyun', 'digitalocean', 'exoscale', 'gcp', 'ibmcloud', 'openstack', 'packet', 'vultr']

  // list of virtualized image artifacts

  const virtualizedImages = ['openstack', 'qemu', 'virtualbox', 'vmware']

  // dict of pretty names for platforms, indexed by platform.extension
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ 

    "aliyun": "Alibaba Cloud",

    "aws": "AWS",

    "azure": "Azure",

+   "azurestack": "Azure Stack",

    "digitalocean": "DigitalOcean",

    "exoscale": "Exoscale",

    "gcp": "GCP",

We're soon going to ship it.

LGTM, I can merge, whenever you need it. @jlebon

Yup, feel free to merge whenever!

Pull-Request has been merged by thunderbirdtr

3 years ago