#237 Add containerd to "important packages" for coreos release notes
Merged 2 years ago by dustymabe. Opened 2 years ago by perosb.
fedora-web/ perosb/websites important-pkgs  into  master

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ 


  // pkgdiff enum to str

  const diffType = ["added", "removed", "upgraded", "downgraded"];

- const importantPkgs = ["kernel", "systemd", "rpm-ostree", "ignition", "podman", "moby-engine"];

+ const importantPkgs = ["kernel", "systemd", "rpm-ostree", "ignition", "podman", "moby-engine", "containerd"];


  function timestampToPrettyString(date) {

    date = new Date(date);

Adds containerd to the overview of the release notes given it's importance as runtime.

Have you verified that this renders nicely on the page? I'm concerned that it might overflow onto the second line.

guess it depends on the resolution.
I did a manual insertion of the element:

Pull-Request has been merged by dustymabe

2 years ago