| |
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
| |
| |
const baseProdUrl = 'https://builds.coreos.fedoraproject.org/prod/streams'
| |
const baseDevelUrl = 'https://builds.coreos.fedoraproject.org/devel/streams'
| |
| |
+ const baseReleaseNoteUrl = 'https://builds.coreos.fedoraproject.org/release-notes'
| |
const initialBuildsShown = 5;
| |
| |
// pkgdiff enum to str
| |
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
| |
return `${month} ${day}, ${year}`;
| |
| |
| |
+ function fetchReleaseNotes(releaseStream) {
| |
+ return fetch(`${baseReleaseNoteUrl}/${releaseStream}.json`)
| |
+ .then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : {});
| |
+ }
| |
function getBaseUrl(stream, developer) {
| |
return stream != "developer"
| |
? `${baseProdUrl}/${stream}`
| |
@@ -271,8 +275,8 @@
| |
var finalCommitMeta = {}
| |
let promises = []
| |
// Fetch meta and commitmeta for each architecture for the build
| |
- for (const metaForEachArch of metaList[0]){
| |
- let basearch= metaForEachArch[0];
| |
+ for (const metaForEachArch of metaList[0]) {
| |
+ let basearch = metaForEachArch[0];
| |
// Adding meta for each architecture
| |
meta[basearch] = metaForEachArch[1]
| |
// check if `parent-pkgdiff` field is present, if present there's no need to manually
| |
@@ -296,7 +300,7 @@
| |
| |
| |
// Return a single promise when all the promises get resolved
| |
- return Promise.all(promises)
| |
+ return Promise.all(promises)
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -307,8 +311,8 @@
| |
.then(response => Promise.all([build.arches[0], response.ok ? response.json() : {}]));
| |
| |
return Promise.all(build.arches.map(arch => {
| |
- return fetch(`${base}/${build.id}/${arch}/meta.json`)
| |
- .then(resp => Promise.all([arch, resp.ok ? resp.json() : {}]));
| |
+ return fetch(`${base}/${build.id}/${arch}/meta.json`)
| |
+ .then(resp => Promise.all([arch, resp.ok ? resp.json() : {}]));
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -322,6 +326,7 @@
| |
.then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : {});
| |
| |
| |
| |
var coreos_release_notes = new Vue({
| |
el: '#coreos-release-notes',
| |
created: function () { this.refreshBuilds() },
| |
@@ -342,6 +347,8 @@
| |
// of the first arch, but in the future these would be e.g.
| |
// meta[arch] and commitmeta[arch]
| |
releases: [],
| |
+ //holds the release note issues for the chosen stream
| |
+ issues: [],
| |
// list of unshown {id, arches, meta, commitmeta} build objects
| |
unshown_builds: [],
| |
// toggles "Loading..."
| |
@@ -401,7 +408,6 @@
| |
if (self.loading) {
| |
| |
| |
| |
rows = [];
| |
self.releases.forEach((build, idx) => {
| |
let selectedArch = build.selectedArch
| |
@@ -418,60 +424,82 @@
| |
headingListArches.push(h('h6', {}, arch));
| |
| |
| |
- archDropdown = h('div', {attrs: {style: "text-align: left;" }}, [
| |
+ archDropdown = h('div', { attrs: { style: "text-align: left;" } }, [
| |
`Arch: `,
| |
- h('a', {
| |
- class: "dropdown-toggle",
| |
- attrs: {
| |
- "id": build.id+"Dropdown",
| |
- "href": "#",
| |
- "role": "button",
| |
- "data-toggle": "dropdown",
| |
- "aria-haspopup": true,
| |
- "aria-expanded": false,
| |
- },
| |
- on: {
| |
- click: function (e) {
| |
- e.preventDefault();
| |
- }
| |
+ h('a', {
| |
+ class: "dropdown-toggle",
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ "id": build.id + "Dropdown",
| |
+ "href": "#",
| |
+ "role": "button",
| |
+ "data-toggle": "dropdown",
| |
+ "aria-haspopup": true,
| |
+ "aria-expanded": false,
| |
+ },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: function (e) {
| |
+ e.preventDefault();
| |
| |
- }, selectedArch),
| |
- h('div', { class: "dropdown-menu" }, [
| |
- h('div', { class: "container" }, [
| |
- h('div', { class: "col-12 px-0" }, [
| |
- Object.entries(build.arches).map(pair => {
| |
- let arch = pair[1];
| |
- return h('a', {
| |
- class: "dropdown-item",
| |
- attrs: {
| |
- href: "#",
| |
- },
| |
- on: {
| |
- click: function (e) {
| |
- e.preventDefault();
| |
- Object.entries(build.arches).map(pair => {
| |
- if(pair[1] == e.target.text)
| |
- document.getElementById(build.id+pair[1]).hidden = false
| |
- else
| |
- document.getElementById(build.id+pair[1]).hidden = true
| |
- });
| |
- document.getElementById(build.id+"Dropdown").text = e.target.text;
| |
- }
| |
- }
| |
- },
| |
- arch);
| |
- })
| |
- ])
| |
+ }
| |
+ }, selectedArch),
| |
+ h('div', { class: "dropdown-menu" }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "container" }, [
| |
+ h('div', { class: "col-12 px-0" }, [
| |
+ Object.entries(build.arches).map(pair => {
| |
+ let arch = pair[1];
| |
+ return h('a', {
| |
+ class: "dropdown-item",
| |
+ attrs: {
| |
+ href: "#",
| |
+ },
| |
+ on: {
| |
+ click: function (e) {
| |
+ e.preventDefault();
| |
+ Object.entries(build.arches).map(pair => {
| |
+ if (pair[1] == e.target.text)
| |
+ document.getElementById(build.id + pair[1]).hidden = false
| |
+ else
| |
+ document.getElementById(build.id + pair[1]).hidden = true
| |
+ });
| |
+ document.getElementById(build.id + "Dropdown").text = e.target.text;
| |
+ }
| |
+ }
| |
+ },
| |
+ arch);
| |
+ })
| |
| |
- ]),
| |
+ ])
| |
+ ]),
| |
| |
let leftPane = h('div', { class: "col-lg-2" }, [headingBuildId, archDropdown]);
| |
| |
- //Adding the information for all arches to rightPane but only showing the card for the selected arch in dropdown
| |
+ // Adding the information for all arches to rightPane but only showing the card for the selected arch in dropdown
| |
let rightPane = [];
| |
build.arches.forEach(eachArch => {
| |
// Right pane consists of detailed package information
| |
let date = h('p', {}, `Release Date: ${timestampToPrettyString(build.meta[eachArch]['coreos-assembler.build-timestamp'])}`);
| |
+ // title of release issues if the release notes don't exist
| |
+ let releaseNoteTitle = h('h6');
| |
+ // holds elements of release notes to be rendered
| |
+ let releaseNotesElements = [];
| |
+ // get the keys from the JSON
| |
+ releasesJson = this.issues.releases;
| |
+ // if the release notes exist in the json
| |
+ if (releasesJson.hasOwnProperty(build.id)) {
| |
+ if (releasesJson[build.id].issues.length === 0) {
| |
+ // if the release notes exist but there are no issues provided
| |
+ releaseNoteTitle = h('h6', {}, `No specific issues fixed in this release.`);
| |
+ } else {
| |
+ // if the release notes exist and there are issues provided
| |
+ releaseNoteTitle = h('h6', {}, `Issues fixed:`);
| |
+ specificIssue = releasesJson[build.id].issues;
| |
+ let releaseNotesLinkAndText = h('ul', specificIssue?.map(({ url, text }) => {
| |
+ return h('li', [h('a', { attrs: { href: url }, }, text)]);
| |
+ }));
| |
+ releaseNotesElements.push(releaseNotesLinkAndText);
| |
+ }
| |
+ } else {
| |
+ releaseNoteTitle = h('h6', {}, `Releases notes for this release are still pending review.`);
| |
+ }
| |
// List of important packages and versions
| |
let importantPkgsElements = [];
| |
build.commitmeta[eachArch].importantPkgs.forEach((pkg, _) => {
| |
@@ -686,11 +714,11 @@
| |
downgradedPkgsHeading = h('p', { class: "mt-3" }, "Downgraded:");
| |
| |
let downgradedPkgsElements = h('div', { attrs: { hidden: true } }, [downgradedPkgsHeading, h('ul', {}, downgradedPkgsElementsList)]);
| |
- let rightPaneData = h('div', { attrs: {id: build.id+eachArch}, class: "col-lg-10 border-bottom mb-5 pb-4" },
| |
- [date, importantPkgsElements, pkgSummaryDiv, totalPkgsElements, addedPkgsElements, removedPkgsElements, upgradedPkgsElements, downgradedPkgsElements]);
| |
| |
- // Hiding the information cards of the unselected architectures
| |
- if(eachArch!=selectedArch)
| |
+ let rightPaneData = h('div', { attrs: { id: build.id + eachArch }, class: "col-lg-10 border-bottom mb-5 pb-4" },
| |
+ [date, releaseNoteTitle, releaseNotesElements, importantPkgsElements, pkgSummaryDiv, totalPkgsElements, addedPkgsElements, removedPkgsElements, upgradedPkgsElements, downgradedPkgsElements]);
| |
| |
+ // Hiding the information cards of the unselected architectures
| |
+ if (eachArch != selectedArch)
| |
rightPaneData.data.attrs.hidden = true
| |
| |
| |
@@ -703,6 +731,10 @@
| |
this.loading = true
| |
this.releasesUrl = getBaseUrl(this.stream, this.developer);
| |
this.buildsUrl = getBaseUrl(this.stream, this.developer) + "/builds";
| |
+ this.issues = [];
| |
+ fetchReleaseNotes(this.stream).then((issuesJson) => {
| |
+ this.issues = issuesJson;
| |
+ });
| |
fetchReleases(this.releasesUrl).then(releaseVersions => {
| |
fetchBuilds(this.buildsUrl).then(result => {
| |
[legacy, builds] = result;
| |
@@ -710,6 +742,7 @@
| |
this.legacy = legacy;
| |
this.releases = [];
| |
this.unshown_builds = [];
| |
| |
// counter for the number of release metadata fetched since fetch is asnyc operation
| |
let counter = 0;
| |
| |
Add issues from JSON and links to those issues in CoreOS release notes. Also add indentation.