#248 getfedora workstation download: "Checkout other Fedora downloads"
Closed 2 years ago by darknao. Opened 2 years ago by petersen.
fedora-web/ petersen/websites get-ws-other  into  master

@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ 

            <p class="font-weight-light">

              {% trans trimmed %}

              Need something a bit different? Check out our other Fedora

-             Workstation downloads <a href="https://alt.fedoraproject.org/">here</a>, featuring secondary architectures and

+             downloads <a href="https://alt.fedoraproject.org/">here</a>, featuring secondary architectures and

              network-based installation images.

              {% endtrans %}


I think alt.fp.o is for non-Workstation downloads, so here should not mention Fedora Workstation

Actually I see this is also the case on the Server download page

You'll find Workstation & Server alternative architectures on alt.fp.o, like ppc64le or s390x, and netinstall iso too.

Okay - I was confused by this, but if it doesn't make sense feel free to close it, thanks!

I guess ppc64le WS is not listed on the main download page... nor net installs as you say.

(I also feel we should rethink the naming of the Everything (& vs Server net install) image but that is a completely separate long conversation.)

Ok I'm closing it then.
Feel free to open a thread about this on Fedora Discussion or open a ticket in this repo.

Pull-Request has been closed by darknao

2 years ago