#255 security: fix GPG key listing
Merged 2 years ago by darknao. Opened 2 years ago by tmz.
fedora-web/ tmz/websites tmz/security-fix-key-list  into  master

@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ 

              <div class="col-6">


                id: <pre><code>{{key.id}}</code></pre>

-               Fingerprint: <pre><code>{{key.fingerprint}}</code></pre

-               {% if key.opengpgkey %}>

-               DNS OpenGPGKey: <pre><code>{{key.opengpgkey}}</code></pre>

+               Fingerprint: <pre><code>{{key.fingerprint}}</code></pre>

+               {% if key.openpgpkey %}

+               DNS OpenPGPKey: <pre><code>{{key.openpgpkey}}</code></pre>

                {% endif %}


              {% endif %}

Our GPG key list has been subtly broken since bdeb1cc (add opengpgkeys,
2021-02-15). The <pre> tag was incomplete and the conditional
referenced the openpgpkey property as opengpgkey (gpg instead of the
correct pgp).

Fix both issues so the key listing displays as intended.

Signed-off-by: Todd Zullinger tmz@pobox.com

The current key list looks like this. It gets a little smaller all the way to and including the page footer. :(

rebased onto 31b5cb9

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by darknao

2 years ago

Thanks! Sorry I missed the open issue. I should have looked harder.
