#4 Improvement of visability of documentation and support on the main download page
Opened 2 years ago by pboy. Modified 2 years ago

The doc team wants to improve the visibility of documentation and support. The present extensive focus on technical aspects irritates new users and weakens our dissemination. We have recently made a lot of efforts to improve documentation and support. Now we also need to spread the word and draw attention to it.

As already for Server (#3) we would have on the central download page (https://getfedora.org/) an additional "between footer" below the 3 editions and above the intermediate title "Emerging Fedora Editions".

For this purpose, the "Support Resources" footer on the IoT page https://getfedora.org/de/iot/ can be copied and modified slightly.

Grand title: Support Resources (as is)

Info area on the left side:

title: Documentation (as is)
Text: Extensive documentation is available on the Fedora docs pages
Link: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/doc

middle info area

title: support
text: Support is available at ask.fedoraproject.org
Link: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/

right info area

title: "Chat". (as is)
text: Users and developers are available at discussion.fedoraproject.org
Link: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org

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