#1056 What the Fedora i3 SIG needs to add the their spin in the spins website
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by bcotton. Opened 3 years ago by x3mboy.

The Fedora i3 SIG got their spin added as a Change and we want to know to add this new Spin in the Spins website

We'll need some content for it. You can look at the Python Classroom Lab as an example.

Basically, a brief description of what it is, some screenshots and some features etc. You can provide this in whatever format you want and we can get it into the format the site needs.

The site will go live with the Fedora 34 Beta release if we have all of the content in time. Let's aim for having the content by the end of February in order to have time to get it put together for the Beta release date (currently targeted for 16 March)

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue tagged with: spins.fp.o

3 years ago

Cool, The team will work on this in the first January date we can meet after holidays. Thanks so much @bcotton

I opened i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin#30 and i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin#31 for an elevator pitch and screenshots of the Spin. Our team will follow-up in this ticket once we have both ready to hand-over to the Websites team. Currently on track to meet end of February target.

Hi! We finished drafting our Spin elevator pitch, tagline, and took some screenshots (thanks @semioticrobotic and @aashu23!).

The approved tagline and description from i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin#31 are below:

The Fedora operating system experience featuring a tiling window manager.

The Fedora i3 Spin provides the popular i3 tiling window manager. It makes i3 accessible and appealing to both novices and advanced users who prefer not to use a mouse, touchpad, or other pointing device to interact with their environment. Featuring lightweight applications for web browsing, text editing, and media playback, the Fedora i3 Spin offers a complete experience with a minimalist user interface.

Approved screenshots are already uploaded to i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin#30 and can be downloaded there.

Ack. I'll try to start getting this built out later this week

The staging website is having issues currently, but the content is available in the staging branch of this repo if you want to try a local build.

Some things we'll still need:

  • A banner for the i3 Spin. I've requested that as design#727
  • App listings and descriptions. See the bottom half of the lxqt spin. Or we can drop that content entirely
  • A review of the IRC and mailing list entries I put to make sure that's where you want to direct people

@bcotton wrote…
A review of the IRC and mailing list entries I put to make sure that's where you want to direct people

Hey Ben! One thing you can also mention for documentation is the Fedora i3 SIG documentation:


But is good to also mention the upstream documentation, since that will likely be the most useful resource for most users.

As for app listings and description, we will work on this. Is there a deadline for when you need this info from the SIG?


  • A banner for the i3 Spin. I've requested that as design#727

Great Thanks!

  • App listings and descriptions. See the bottom half of the lxqt spin. Or we can drop that content entirely

As @jflory7 commented, the list is still building, a couple of things are left. But we have a basic list

  • A review of the IRC and mailing list entries I put to make sure that's where you want to direct people

IRC and ML URL are ok, but documentation will also point to our docs. I'm with @jflory7 that pointing to the upstream docs is also great.

As for app listings and description, we will work on this. Is there a deadline for when you need this info from the SIG?

Let's say a week before the Beta release (so 9 March). It shouldn't take very long to put the content in place, but it'd be good to have some cushion.

IRC and ML URL are ok, but documentation will also point to our docs. I'm with @jflory7 that pointing to the upstream docs is also great.

Okay. I'll work on including both and if it doesn't work out well, I'll default to your docs.

Could we add a link to ( https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-started-i3-window-manager/ ) in the SIG page? The article is the most read on our magazine, and is a great guide for anyone wanting to get started with a new tiling window manager!

  • A banner for the i3 Spin. I've requested that as design#727


As @jflory7 commented, the list is still building, a couple of things are left. But we have a basic list

We still need the list of apps you want to feature on the page, including images and descriptions for them.

IRC and ML URL are ok, but documentation will also point to our docs.

Added a link to our docs.

We still need the list of apps you want to feature on the page, including images and descriptions for them.

The list is as follow:

  • i3 and its apps:
    • i3lock
    • i3status
    • dmenu
  • dunst
  • urxvt
  • nmcli
  • network-manager-applet
  • firefox
  • pactl
  • pauvcontrol
  • volumeicon
  • xbrightlight
  • htop
  • azote
  • mousepad
  • thunar

I've merged the i3 site into master so it will be ready when the Beta release happens. It will not appear on the front page until F34 Final.

I've commented out all of the applications for now. We can add that back once descriptions and images are available for the applications, along with the categorization.

Apps descriptions:


Going Online

  • Firefox: The popular and free web browser backed by Mozilla, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy.
    • There is an icon used in others' spins sites.
  • Network Manager Applet: Just a click and you're connected to your wireless LAN router, or online via many supported 3G mobile broadband cards.
    • There is an icon used in others' spins sites.
  • nmcli: CLI application to control the NetworkManager configuration. It gives you the power of the nm-applet, but in the terminal.
    • It's a CLI app. I couldn't find an icon for it.

Utilities & Configuration

  • rxvt-unicode: Also known as urxvt, it's a lightweight terminal emulator fully customizable.

  • brightlight: brightlight gets and sets the screen back-light brightness on Linux systems using the kernel sysfs interface.

    • It's a CLI app. I couldn't find an icon for it.
  • azote: is a GTK+3 - based picture browser and background setter.


After fighting with the CSS for a while, I have an update with the content. It should get picked up in the next build of https://spins.stg.fedoraproject.org/i3

If it doesn't appear in the next two hours or so (or if you're impatient), you can build it locally:

  1. clone the staging branch of https://pagure.io/fedora-websites
  2. cd fedora-websites/spins.fedoraproject.org
  3. make en test
  4. The content will be available at http://localhost:5000/i3/

It's live on stg and now I notice that I need to shrink the htop, mousepad, and thunar icons to match the sizes of the other icons.

For the entries without an icon specified, I used a generic terminal icon. I tried with no image and it didn't look good.

I just pushed resized icons to the repo. They should show up soon.

I love how it looks like. I will consult the ticket with the team and come back with feedback

Thanks @bcotton

The spin website looks really good, thanks @bcotton!

The spin website is looking amazing.

Thanks @bcotton

Great! I just pushed commit a517eb4 that will add it to the front of spins.fp.o on release day, so I'm going to go ahead and close this ticket.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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