I realize that our footer is full of links already, but this one seems like it might help with onboarding and driving people into the project. This could also be assumed to be findable via join ... but this seems more immediately actionable.
to the footer of getfedora.org? if so, no - getfedora is for users...
We do have the "Join" section at the bottom; maybe it'd fit as an additional item there? "Upgrading" users to community members to contributors is definitely an overall goal.
We have so many links in the footer, which were not planned on this website we should not force it more as we already did. getfedora.org is not a 1:1 replacement of the old fedoraproject.org website. I am with @duffy here, wontfix?
Seems like maybe updating the Join link that the footer points to would be most useful.
Do we have another "Join" link we can update that with? Easyfix is very different from joining, the first is for contributors, the latter is for users who are looking for information on how to join the community.
you could put the easy fix link or a section about easy fix where the join link points - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join
It seems to me that https://whatcanidoforfedora.org would be a helpful link for a new person to jump to here. The wiki is awfully thick for a newcomer, whereas WCIDFF is easier to understand and compare skills to tasks. However, WCIDFF probably could also use some updates to be more current and useful, which might be a good thing to handle as a separate issue.
+1 https://whatcanidoforfedora.org is good alternative, has translation (but has a little issue https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6504)
Revisiting this after having been to several developer conferences. I think that easyfix attracts a contributor differently than join and that we should put both forward.
+1 to @bex 's point
As an example, I could see someone might want to do a one-off fix. Either of something that's affecting them as a user, or for an experience. But the term "joining a community" might feel as a too big commitment.
Also, it feels more natural for someone to do a few easy fixes and eventualy becoming a part of the community as opposed to joining and then figuring out what to do.
But that's just a feeling, I have no data to support it...
Metadata Update from @sijis: - Issue tagged with: getfedora.org
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