#861 Increase redirect delay to 3s
Merged 6 years ago by ryanlerch. Opened 6 years ago by bex.
Unknown source 404  into  master

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@




- <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=https://getfedora.org" />

+ <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=https://getfedora.org" />

  <div id="header">

      <div class="container_16">

          <div class="grid_6 prefix_10">

How does delaying a redirect for 3 seconds let the user know that they got a 404?
I'm just trying to understand the anticipated behaviour.

Metadata Update from @sijis:
- Pull-request tagged with: getfedora.org

6 years ago

How does delaying a redirect for 3 seconds let the user know that they got a 404?
I'm just trying to understand the anticipated behaviour.

The goal is to show the user that the url changed. This gives folks a chance to update bookmarks, etc.

I don't see a great plus on having a few seconds before redirecting the user, because this change might apply very rarely. In most of the cases we redirect the user when he hits the webserver, not when he gets the website, tat's why in most of the cases you don't even see the splash telling the user fp.o is outdated. Finally, we also have specific redirects for single pages, i.e. verify or sponsors.
This PR doesn't harm, but in the end it doesn't even produce any pro. If you like we can merge it, the day we want to reuse fedoraproject.org again we will need to rewrite it anyway.

@bcotton @xdnight you all +1ed in #860 - any opinion?

I agree we should make this change. This makes it clear to a page visitor that they page doesn't exist, instead of "oh maybe I clicked the wrong thing" or "oh, maybe that link doesn't go where I thought." A 404 page gives visitors the chance to tell us or a referring site is broken in a way that an immediate redirect might not. If anything, I'd make it longer or have no auto-redirect at all.

+1 let's get this one merged!

rebased onto 75228ab

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by ryanlerch

6 years ago