For GNOME 3.26 we have added three new core apps: Music, To Do, and Simple Scan. I think adding at least To Do and Simple Scan to Workstation should be uncontroversial. We should discuss Music as well. Music has some reliability issues, but it's better than Rhythmbox and it's not going to get any better if no distros are promoting it.
We are also currently not shipping Photos and Web. Web is not quite ready yet. I continue to believe that Photos is ready, but it still lacks the camera import feature that we agreed to block on, so probably don't need to discuss it again right now.
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue tagged with: meeting
Agreed today to add To Do and Simple Scan. Music is not decided yet; we'll make a call on this before Beta.
Metadata Update from @pfrields: - Issue assigned to kalev
Pull request to add the apps:
Metadata Update from @pfrields: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue untagged with: meeting
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