#321 Add a way to automatically generated .desktop files from GUI apps that were installed through Toolbox
Closed: Deferred to upstream 2 years ago by catanzaro. Opened 2 years ago by cereal-lava-planet.

Currently, installing apps from Toolbox doesn't generate .desktop files to be placed in the app grid or in the dash. It can be done manually, but it would be very handy if this was done automatically.

Sure this would be nice, but... this isn't the toolbx issue tracker. I suggest reporting this to the toolbx developers.

Metadata Update from @catanzaro:
- Issue close_status updated to: Deferred to upstream
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

Sure this would be nice, but... this isn't the toolbx issue tracker. I suggest reporting this to the toolbx developers.

Ok, thanks!

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