#344 Plymouth theme looks inconsistent with GNOME
Closed: Deferred to upstream 2 years ago by catanzaro. Opened 2 years ago by cereal-lava-planet.

Previously, empty states in GNOME apps used Cantarell Light, just like Plymouth, which is still using this font variant. However, with GTK4, the header of empty states were changed to a bold font of Cantarell, but the Plymouth headers are still using the light variant. The loading spinner is still consistent, though, so there's definitely an intention to make Plymouth's theme similar to the GNOME look.

I was going to file an issue in the Plymouth repo, but this will affect all the distros that use it. Perhaps Fedora should have its own theme?

Obs.: I couldn't upload images in this post, I can only upload them in comments. By the way, how can I report that Pagure isn't uploading images in the original post? Also, images thumbnails sometimes don't appear.

I was going to file an issue in the Plymouth repo, but this will affect all the distros that use it. Perhaps Fedora should have its own theme?

Nah, the upstream developers who built this theme are all Fedora developers. Asking them to make the heading bold should be uncontroversial. Please do report an upstream issue!

I was going to file an issue in the Plymouth repo, but this will affect all the distros that use it. Perhaps Fedora should have its own theme?

Nah, the upstream developers who built this theme are all Fedora developers. Asking them to make the heading bold should be uncontroversial. Please do report an upstream issue!

Here we go, then: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth/-/issues/195

Obs.: I couldn't upload images in this post, I can only upload them in comments. By the way, how can I report that Pagure isn't uploading images in the original post? Also, images thumbnails sometimes don't appear.

Before I close this issue and set "deferred to upstream", do you know where can I report about this problem of Pagure?

Metadata Update from @catanzaro:
- Issue close_status updated to: Deferred to upstream
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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