#387 Anaconda Web UI feature proposal: Fallback possibility to start Anaconda with current GTK UI
Closed: Fixed 9 months ago by catanzaro. Opened 9 months ago by jkonecny.

Hi everyone,

we already discussed this twice but we don't have it tracked, so I would like to have the discussion on one place so we can make better decision about the approach.


Fedora 39 Workstation is proposed to have an Anaconda with the new ui based on the PatternFly and React technologies. This is already in development and closing to the finish line. However, Anaconda team would like to introduce a fallback solution which is an ability for users to start Anaconda with the current GTK UI, so users are not blocked if something unexpected happen.


  • Add a button to Gnome Initial Setup (starting Anaconda) to be able to launch a fallback solution

Would require involvement from the GIS and might be too visible, so users might take it as the new UI is not finished.

  • Add a desktop icon for fallback solution

That is "easily" doable and is not that visible.

Comments from @ngompa and @otaylor are:
if we need the fallback for enough things that people can't launch it from a terminal, then we aren't ready for the web ui to be the default

  • Add a possibility to start Anaconda fallback as command line option

That is easy to do and just on Anaconda side. The question is if people would be able to find it (could be documented) so instead of trying to find it they might just stop installing Fedora...

  • Not adding this option at all

Users can use network installation ISO to run the current GTK UI, so there is fallback already. However, Fedora Workstation is the main Fedora deliverable so it might be worth to enable the fallback there so people are not forced to download something else.

I would like to know your opinions. What is your favorite option? Any comments? Are you strongly opposed to some of the above?

if we need the fallback for enough things that people can't launch it from a terminal, then we aren't ready for the web ui to be the default

The working group discussed this proposal a while ago, and gave the same answer as above. Is there a particular reason that you're raising the proposal again, @jkonecny ?

I wasn't sure if that was the final decision and it wasn't tracked anywhere. Also a new desktop icon is a new proposal for this.

So should I take it in a way that Workstation WG insist on having the command line parameter only?

I wasn't sure if that was the final decision and it wasn't tracked anywhere.

I see. I think the group was fairly confident about the conclusion of the previous discussion. We could reconsider if there were new arguments or evidence, but without that I'd be surprised if the decision changed very much.

Also a new desktop icon is a new proposal for this.

From a UX design perspective, two launchers for two different installers wouldn't be great, in my opinion. It's potentially confusing to know which one you should use, and I don't think we want our users to have to make those kinds of decisions.

So should I take it in a way that Workstation WG insist on having the command line parameter only?

I'm not sure I'd use the word insist, but yes - I don't think the WG wants a visible UI for launching the legacy installer...

I agree: we should only have prominent UI for launching the default version of the installer, whichever it's going to be for F39. I don't expect the Workstation WG would change its opinion on this. This applies to desktop icons too.

So I like "Add a possibility to start Anaconda fallback as command line option."

Thank you for the feedback.

I think this issue is resolved. Closing.

Metadata Update from @catanzaro:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

9 months ago

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