#417 Consider Ptyxis for the terminal app
Opened 3 months ago by ngompa. Modified 18 days ago

@hergertme has made a new terminal emulator application Ptyxis. We should package it up and evaluate it for incorporating into Workstation.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue tagged with: help-wanted, packaging

3 months ago

Even if we don't ship it for Workstation, we may want to consider it specifically for Silverblue.

It does require patches to VTE but those are essentially the same patches we have today in Fedora but with lots of rebasing. So no big deal there. I will need to fix them up for the 0-76 branch of VTE anyway (which has differed enough from master to cause issues).

If you wanted it default for something like Silverblue, I would consider just calling it Terminal with a .desktop patch and perhaps even having an icon which fits better with the default aesthetic.

Yes please for Workstation too! As I said in the gnome-terminal -> gnome-console issue I'd very much rather Ptyxis (well, Prompt as it was known back then) instead of Console. It's just better in every single way.

I'm not quite so enthusiastic about replacing the default terminal application, but I would at least like to have it packaged so we can evaluate it.

FWIW, I also ported gnome-terminal to GTK 4 which will probably land in GNOME 47. So if you just want a GTK 4 based terminal which has accessibility, that should happen.

But that won't have any of the container'y patches because those only exist in Fedora and need to be rewritten to support that.

Please don't migrate to GTK4 terminal until keyboard shortcut bug is resolved (https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/5384). I don't want to accidentally break command execution trying to copy text with Ctrl+Shift+C (which is treated as Ctrl+C on non-Latin keyboard layouts).

FWIW, nearly every keyboard shortcut in Ptyxis is configurable.

It has been proposed for Incubator

From my perspective, I consider GNOME's choices here advisory. We are not GNOME and we make our own decisions based on our needs. This is why we ultimately didn't switch to kgx/gnome-console and I'm hesitant to make a call for ptyxis until we actually have it packaged in Fedora and can properly evaluate it.

Sure, but that works both ways because GNOME wants our feedback on Incubator apps. The Incubator process was designed specifically to avoid a repeat of the situation with kgx/console where the app entered GNOME core before downstream stakeholders were comfortable with it.

The patches we have currently will end up being in Fedora anyway (they're just rebased version of what's in Fedora's VTE patches). I can add a build-time switch for ptyxis-46 to remove the accessibility support at build time. That patch is in VTE master but will not be in VTE 0.76.

We just need Fedora to get VTE 0.76 packaged first then building Ptyxis should be pretty easy.

As for GNOME 47, we should be able to remove the VTE patches as there will be something that can be used instead in VTE (termprops). So rawhide, if using early snapshots of what will become 0.78, can move forward that way.

In doing so, Fedora will need to either remove the container'y patches from gnome-terminal (which the gnome-terminal authors prefer anyway) or port them to work like I've done for Ptyxis.

I use Ptyxis, and like it in general. What I miss with it is transparency of background. I'm not certain it is quite yet ready as the terminal for Fedora Workstation, but maybe in the atomic variants would make more sense to start.

Ptyxis has transparency, but you need to tweak the GSetting to enable it. That is because libadwaita does not support transparency yet well enough for the tab overview to not be glitchy.

Hello @hergertme ,
Thank you for pointing that out I will indeed try it. Like the terminal BTW.

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