#184 fedpkg request-repo documentation is incomplete
Closed: Invalid 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by jcline.

The documentation for fedpkg request-repo mentions a "--module-name" flag in its example that isn't present in the list of available options:

fedpkg request-repo -h
usage: fedpkg request-repo [-h] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                           [--monitor {no-monitoring,monitoring,monitoring-with-scratch}]
                           [--upstreamurl UPSTREAMURL] [--summary SUMMARY]

Request a new dist-git repository

Before requesting a new dist-git repository for a new package, you need to
generate a pagure.io API token at https://pagure.io/settings/token/new, and save it
into your local user configuration located at ~/.config/rpkg/fedpkg.conf. For

    token = <api_key_here>

Below is a basic example of the command to request a dist-git repository for
the package foo:

    fedpkg --module-name foo request-repo 1234

positional arguments:
  bug                   Bugzilla bug ID of the package review request

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The repo's description in dist-git
  --monitor {no-monitoring,monitoring,monitoring-with-scratch}, -m {no-monitoring,monitoring,monitoring-with-scratch}
                        The Koshei monitoring type for the repo
                        The upstream URL of the project
  --summary SUMMARY, -s SUMMARY
                        Override the package's summary from the Bugzilla bug
  --exception           The package is an exception to the regular package
                        review process (specifically, it does not require a
                        Bugzilla bug)

@jcline Hi, request-repo reuses the global option --module-name to get the requested repository name. fedpkg --help shows that option.

Ah, fair enough. It's unfortunate the CLI doesn't include global options with --help on sub-commands, but I'm guessing that's a framework thing.

Metadata Update from @jcline:
- Issue close_status updated to: Invalid
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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