= phenomenon = There are retired packages that are not blocked in koji and other packages depend on them: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2013-August/188490.html
From the packages listed there, libgssglue and spacewalk-web were not taken care of. The first notation of these packages happened on 2013-08-23: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2013-August/188279.html
= reason = It is unclear why the packages were retired, but not blocked. Maybe they should have been orphaned, but then they would be retired by now.
= recommendation = The retired packages should be blocked in koji to make maintainers of dependent packages fix the situation. The spam-o-matic(?) scripts should take care of notifying affected maintainers daily. This should happen soon unless it breaks the release of Alpha. Then it should happen after the alpha freeze.
Also there might be other packages in the same condition, which are currently not detected or might appear in the future. A clear guideline about what to do here would be nice. My recommendation would be to allow rel-eng to block the packages when rel-eng considers it to be appropriate.
From 2013-09-04 FESCo meeting: * AGREED: Proposal in #1172 is accepted - retired packages should be blocked in rawhide/f20, and any issues then cleaned up. (+:7, -:0, 0:0) (notting, 19:38:11)
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