#1261 Nomination of jsmith for provenpackager
Closed None Opened 10 years ago by nb.

= phenomenon =
jsmith is not a member of the provenpackager group

= background analysis =
jsmith owns 17 packages - https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/users/packages/jsmith

jsmith knows what he is doing, I would like to nominate him to be a member of the provenpackager group

= implementation recommendation =
add jsmith to provenpackagers group in FAS

FWIW, my reasoning for requesting proven packager privileges is to be able to help out the ARM SIG, as well as help take care of other packaging issues that come up (such as Drupal packages, docs packages, etc.)

+1 from me, jsmith is an experienced packager. I'll be glad to see him as provenpackager

I've worked with jsmith on a number of occassions and know that he's not afraid to ask questions. I think he'll be a responsible provenpackager.


Congrats (and sorry about the delay)

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