#1693 Fedora 27 Mass Rebuild for IEEE-128 support
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by jwboyer.

There is a desire to incorporate IEEE-128 (float-128) support as the default for ppc64le in the Fedora 27 timeframe. gcc already supports this in Fedora 26, however glibc does not have the proper enablement yet. That is scheduled to come with glibc 2.26, which should release August 1. In order to transition to using this as the default float ABI, we need a rebuild of the packages after support has landed in glibc and gcc has switched to using that as the default.

Tagging @codonell for further details on the glibc enablement timeline.

Hmm, this is definitely going to have schedule impact, as the mass-rebuild for F27 is scheduled for July 5th - a full month before the expected glibc 2.26 release.

@codonell Is there any wiggle-room here? Is there a point before final release that we could reasonably-safely perform the mass-rebuild?

the schedule is supposed to always have a mass rebuild planned. we decide if we do the mass rebuild based on things that need it. we have procedures to determine that. I really think this issue is invalid

the schedule is supposed to always have a mass rebuild planned. we decide if we do the mass rebuild based on things that need it. we have procedures to determine that. I really think this issue is invalid

The schedule does have a mass rebuild included, but it is currently assumed to be not needed. That aside, the issue here is that the penciled in date may or may not line up with when the software that needs the rebuild is available. I don't think this is invalid, I think it's necessary to make sure we are all on the same page for both dates and feasibility.

The only assumption of not being needed afaik is @jkurik saying that its not needed. releng works on the assumption its needed unless determined to not be based on the changes. I think the wording that is in the schedule to date is disingenuous and the not needed bit needs to be removed

The only assumption of not being needed afaik is @jkurik saying that its not needed. releng works on the assumption its needed unless determined to not be based on the changes. I think the wording that is in the schedule to date is disingenuous and the not needed bit needs to be removed

Yes, all of FESCo agreed with you:
"AGREED: jkurik's Fedora 27 schedule is approved with a removal of the "(not planned)' next to the rebuild (+1:6,0:0,-1:0)" from https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1681#comment-112284

The only assumption of not being needed afaik is @jkurik saying that its not needed. releng works on the assumption its needed unless determined to not be based on the changes. I think the wording that is in the schedule to date is disingenuous and the not needed bit needs to be removed

Great, agreed.

That still leaves the timing to sort out, which we need to discuss with the stakeholders. Hence this ticket being created.

Actually, when we approved the F27 schedule, it stipulated that the "(not planned)" next to the mass rebuild was removed.

The GNU C Library release 2.26 will happen on 2017-08-01

The ABI freeze starts 2017-07-01.

Therefore we have a go / no-go date of 2017-07-01, and if IEEE-128 for IBM POWER is not in place upstream by that date then there will be no need for a mass rebuild.

If by 2017-07-01 all of the IEEE-128 for IBM POWER is in place upstream, then we will be ready to flip the ABI to this new format and we will need a mass rebuild.

It is my understanding that this should line up well with a mass rebuild on 2017-07-05 in the Fedora 27 schedule.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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