This is a tracker ticket for the non-responsive maintainer process regarding Krzysztof Kurzawski for the new fast track process.
A mail to fedora-devel with him CC'ed has been send twice:
There was already such a process running a year ago:
Then some packages were orphaned by him and the process stopped.
Some neglected bug reports can be found this mail:
I started this process, because youtube-dl was not updated in spite of popular demand for no good reason for several time. The bug report for this is five months old:
I'm not around for the meeting; I'd agree he's not responsive and we should continue with the process onto the orphaning of his packages.
I may or may not make it to the meeting, in case I don't, here's my vote: +1, he is definitely non-responsive.
The following packages have been orphaned:
gfeed greyhounds incollector netmonitor pic2aa scythia wavextract xhotkeys yoltia youtube-dl
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