#3145 Delay mass rebuild for Fedora 40 until f40-build-side-81394 side-tag is merged.
Closed: Accepted a year ago by jistone. Opened a year ago by codonell.

An important part of each yearly Fedora release is an update to the latest GCC version as part of the GNU Toolchain rebase (which we've been tracking as a unified system-wide change request since Fedora 35).

This year we're ready with the side tag and have even the Ada packages rebuilt to match the GCC soname bump for the core Ada libraries.

This side tag must get merged ahead of the mass rebuild.

A quick bit of context: there was confustion about when this needed to be filed and it came in a couple days late, which also happened to be during the end-of-year holidays, resulting in this not getting processed in a timely manner.

As a result, I'm raising this as a FastTrack ticket for FESCo to request that release engineering holds the start of the mass-rebuild until the toolchain side-tag is merged.

+1 from me

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue tagged with: fast track

a year ago

+1 from me and highlighting @jnsamyak, we will check this ticket before moving forward with the mass rebuild tomorrow.

+1 I've said this before, but I think we should adjust the schedule so there is more time between the proposal submission deadline and the mass rebuild. 3 Weeks is too short, especially when it overlaps with the Christmas break.

+1 I've said this before, but I think we should adjust the schedule so there is more time between the proposal submission deadline and the mass rebuild. 3 Weeks is too short, especially when it overlaps with the Christmas break.

I had a conversation with Carlos about this. He was under the impression that he could not submit until the various dates were finalized. He plans to submit them much earlier in the future.

+1 I've said this before, but I think we should adjust the schedule so there is more time between the proposal submission deadline and the mass rebuild. 3 Weeks is too short, especially when it overlaps with the Christmas break.

I had a conversation with Carlos about this. He was under the impression that he could not submit until the various dates were finalized. He plans to submit them much earlier in the future.

I've submitted the Fedora 41 system-wide change request today:

I will keep them submitted early and back-to-back with as much information as possible for the Fedora community to use to track their own changes.

This was my own mistake and the expectations I had about how final the system-wide change request data needed to be. Thanks to Stephen for the clarifications.

Unsure if I understand the scope of this vote. If it is just about deferring the mass rebuild until the side-tag is tagged into rawhide, doesn't it mean that the tagging has to wait until a fesco ticket (perhaps fast-track too) is created for the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GNUToolchainF40 change and it is voted in? Or is this voting indirectly also on that system-wide change proposal?

BTW, given that the f40-build-side-81394 side-tag now contains 15 Ada packages I don't maintain/co-maintain, will I will be allowed to create a bodhi errata for the side-tag even when I'm not a provenpackager, or will some provenpackager need to create the errata instead?

+1 on both waiting for the side-tag and on the Change itself, if it comes to that.

Unsure if I understand the scope of this vote. If it is just about deferring the mass rebuild until the side-tag is tagged into rawhide, doesn't it mean that the tagging has to wait until a fesco ticket (perhaps fast-track too) is created for the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GNUToolchainF40 change and it is voted in? Or is this voting indirectly also on that system-wide change proposal?

I'm not sure how that change got missed... I thought it had already been approved. ;(

But yeah, I am not sure we needed to vote on this... we should make sure we approve the change as a process thing though.

BTW, given that the f40-build-side-81394 side-tag now contains 15 Ada packages I don't maintain/co-maintain, will I will be allowed to create a bodhi errata for the side-tag even when I'm not a provenpackager, or will some provenpackager need to create the errata instead?

The 'owner' of the side-tag (the one who created it) can make updates out of it, no matter who added builds to it after that. So, you should be able to create the update...

(and I am also surprised you aren't a provenpackager)

OK, if the side-tag is ready to merge, I'm kind of in favor of just letting it happen. There's zero chance that the GNUToolChainF40 Change would not be approved. We can get the votes for that ex post facto. It's essentially a rubber stamp.

Waiting for the bureaucracy to catch up would be a pointless delay and the longer it sits in the side-tag, the higher the chances that a conflict gets built in Rawhide. Also, we can get moving on the mass rebuild.

We just had the release engineering meeting and decided to delay a day to let this all get sorted out. ;)

But I am in favor of landing the tag as soon as it's ready and we can shake out any problems before the mass rebuild starts (now on the 18th).

Ok, I've created https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2024-286f139579
It will take a while to get through gating, so if there is need to cancel that, it can be still done.

AIUI this didn't formally complete its FastTrack vote, but it was informally effected anyway. I think we still need to mop up the Change procedure, so I'm adding it to the meeting to discuss that.

Metadata Update from @jistone:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

a year ago

Metadata Update from @jistone:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

Metadata Update from @jistone:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

a year ago

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