#384 Sponsor request - Nick Bebout (nb)
Closed None Opened 14 years ago by nb.

= Full Name =

Nick Bebout (nb)

= Qualifications =

I'm the maintainer of several packages, including sks, znc, wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior, and wordpress-mu-plugin-defaults, and comaintainer of several others, including fedora-release-notes, spamassassin, imapsync, fedora-accessibility-guide-en-US, and fedora-security-guide-en-US.

= Rationale =

Do you have anyone you immediately wish to sponsor? Not right at the moment, but see below.

What other rationale do you have?

I'd like to see us get more docs people sponsored so that we can package more docs for fedora and get it so that the docs "owners" themselves can build them instead of having us (myself, sparks, jjmcd) build them for them. I'd also be willing to review and sponsor other people also.

+1 from me. He's done a lot of work with docs and infrastructure as well as having a good handle on packaging.

nb has become maintainer of a fair number of packages, jumping in where he's needed. He's done a good number of reviews now. We do need more docs reviewers and sponsors and he's a good choice in this area. +1 from me.

+1 from me, in agreement with kevin and toshio's reasons.

I see ten reviews done:


Perhaps I'm missing some. The python-offtrac one is pretty thin, but it's not really much of a package. Otherwise the reviews seem thorough, although none of the packages are especially complex.

I'm not really objecting; if FESCo thinks that ten relatively simple reviews is sufficient to become a sponsor then great. Personally I'd like to see more. The candidate has certainly done plenty of other things for the project, although my understanding is that this is purely about the review process and not a reward for other activity. I guess it would be nice to have some more formal set of qualifications.

So, with 3 +1's and no veto's, this request is approved.

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