#22 [talk] Brokering an Exchange: Replacing fedmsg with AMQP
Closed 5 years ago Opened 6 years ago by jcline.

CfP Submission for Flock 2018 has not yet opened

= Questions/Requested Information

  1. What’s your proposal? Be specific about what you want to accomplish, how this helps the project and the attendees. Review [link to CFP] for details on what we’re looking for.

== Talk Overview

Our talk is broken up roughly into two parts. The first part, presented by
Aurelien covers:

  • Why we're moving

  • Why we picked AMQP over, say, MQTT or STOMP

  • Performance characteristics of AMQP

  • The bridges: AMQP<->ZMQ and the long-term support of the public ZMQ endpoint

The second part looks into the future and what improvements should be made:

  • Message schema: What, how, and why.

  • Messages as classes: custom behavior on a message-by-message basis (e.g. no
    more fedmsg_meta_fedora_infrastructure).

  • Improve message topics to improve their usefulness and flexibility.

  • Potentially replace FMN with a simple, header-based solution.

This talk is meant to complement issue #13 and should, ideally, happen before it.

  1. Who needs to be in the room for this to succeed? List each person by Name and FAS ID as Name (FAS ID)
    * Presenter: Aurelien Bompard - @abompard
    * Presenter: Jeremy Cline - @jcline
    * Anyone who uses messages generated by Fedora infrastructure applications

  2. Is this a …
    * Talk of 60 minutes

  3. Anything else we need to know? This could be room setup, A/V needs, etc. If you have private concerns, please email them to flock-admin@fedoraproject.org.


  1. Who are you?
    * Name: Jeremy Cline
    * FAS ID: jcline
    * IRC Nick, if not FAS ID: jcline

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue tagged with: Talk In Consideration

5 years ago

I regret that we are unable to accept this talk this year. There will be lightning talk sessions and I encourage you to consider this option.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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