#289 Update the "New Issue" template
Closed: Resolved 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.

Please update the CfP new issue template to the following:

CfP Submission for Nest with Fedora 2021 is now open

= Instructions

  1. Fill out the issue answering the questions.
  2. Please title your issue as follows: [TYPE] Title
    Note: You do not need to include the year of the Flock or the words "flock proposal" in the issue title unless they are the title of your talk/hackfest.
    Type should be one of the following:
    * [Lightning]: Lightning Talk
    * [Talk-25]: 25 Minute Talk
    * [Talk-50]: 50 Minute Talk
    * [Workshop]: 2 hour (110 minute) Workshop
    * [Hack-half]: Half-day Hackfest
    * [Other]: Evening or other activity/suggestion
    Please note if you think your session would be best live or pre-recorded.
  3. Leave the issue public.
  4. Solicit and consider feedback. Don't assume people will just come to this repo - actively solicit feedback!
    If you want to make changes, just edit the initial comment.
    That is what the CfP committee will read.
  5. Submissions will be considered in rounds.
    Submissions not selected in one round continue to the next one.
    Therefore you can keep on iterating :)
    1. Round 1 selection starts on: July 9th
    2. Round 2 selection starts on: July 16th

= Questions/Requested Information

This year our contributor conference will be virtual! You have the option to submit live or pre-recorded sessions.

  1. What is your proposal?

Be specific about what you want to accomplish, how this helps the project and
the attendees. Review the CFP call (https://flocktofedora.org/#cfp) for details
on what we are looking for.

  1. Who in addition to the speaker needs to be in the virtual room for this to succeed? This could be the audience you need to reach, other participants in the conversation, or other stakeholders.

List each person by their name and FAS ID, as shown below:

  • Person One (pone)
  • Person Two (ptwo)
  1. Is this a…

(Delete all that DO NOT apply)

  • 5 minute Lightning talk
  • 25 minute Talk
  • 50 minute Talk
  • 2 hours (110 minutes): Workshop
  • FAD/Hackfest that lasts a half-day
  • FAD/Hackfest that lasts a full-day
  • Evening or other activity (please describe duration in #1)
  1. Anything else we need to know?

If you have private concerns, please email them to

  1. Who are you?
  • Name:
  • FAS ID:
  • IRC Nick, if not FAS ID:
  • Timezone:
  • Availability for August 5-8th:

fixed in commit 2e7bc2d

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Resolved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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