#369 [Social-50] Nest with Fedora Group Photo Session - Hosted by the DEI Team
Closed: Talk Scheduled 2 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 2 years ago by riecatnor.

= Questions/Requested Information =

This year our contributor conference will be virtual! You have the option to submit live or pre-recorded sessions.

What is your proposal?

This social session will be a chance for participants of Nest with Fedora 2022 to be a part of a "group photo" that I will put together after the event is complete- similar to the one I made in 2020. The session will be hosted by myself & other members of the DEI team who are available during the session. For those who are willing, we'd like to capture media of participants saying one of Fedora's sayings: "We are Fedora!" to include in media created for the Fedora Week of Diversity in Sept/Oct of this year.

Who in addition to the speaker needs to be in the virtual room for this to succeed?
Vipul Siddharth (siddharthvipul1)
Isabella Gordillo (isagordillo)
& anyone else from the DEI team

What kind of session is this?
This is a 50 minute social

Who are you?
Name: Marie Nordin
FAS ID: riecatnor
Timezone: Eastern
Availability for August 4-6th: Full

Hey! I'd be available for a session on any of the 3 days.

Thank you for your submission and congratulations! Your proposed session has been accepted for Nest with Fedora.

As a reminder, the dates for this years virtual event is August 4th, 5th, & 6th. I will follow up shortly with a draft schedule for you to review and confirm the date/time for your session.

If you would like to pre-record your talk please share the recording with me by Friday July 29th. You can share a file or upload it to YouTube and share the link. If you will be presenting live, there will be a "Test Your Audio/Video" session in Hopin during the event where you will be able to test your system with Hopin.

Please register for Nest with Fedora on Hopin at the following link.

We will need to add you as a speaker for your session on Hopin. It is encouraged to set up your profile on Hopin with title/picture/socials if desired.
Register here: https://hopin.com/events/nest-with-fedora-2022/registration

Share the news and invite others to join!

Feel free to share your participation at Nest with Fedora tagging the accounts and/or sharing the links below.

Hopin: https://hopin.com/events/nest-with-fedora-2022/registration
CommBlog Post: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/nest-with-fedora-2022-registration-now-open/
Tweet: https://twitter.com/fedora/status/1542480383987646465

Instagram: @thefedoraproject
Twitter: @fedora
Facebook: @TheFedoraProject
Linkedin: Fedora Project

Looking forward to another great Nest with Fedora event, thanks to you!

If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to email mnordin (at) redhat (dot) com or drop inquiries on this ticket.

Please review the schedule draft for Nest with Fedora 2022 at the following Wiki link.

Confirm the scheduled date/time for your session works for you by replying on this ticket. If there are multiple speakers, please have each speaker confirm their availability for the scheduled session.


Make sure to check the following:

  • Date

  • Time

  • Your name (or names)

  • Title of session

If there are any conflicts or updates needed, please leave a comment here asap so I can work on any adjustments. If you are using slides, you are welcome and encouraged to provide a link here in a comment which we will add to the Wiki page.

Please register for Nest with Fedora on Hopin at the following link if you have yet to do so.

I need to add you (and any additional speakers) as a speaker for the event and moderator for your session. We encourage speakers to personalize their title and avatar for their Hopin profile.


Please review the following guidance on using Hopin as a speaker and leave a comment if you have any questions.

On the day of your presentation, login to the event through the link above and go to the "Sessions" tab on the left hand side of the page. Your session will be visible under the "Sessions" tab for 10 minutes before and after the scheduled time. Click on your session and you should have full rights to moderate and present. Click on the "Share Audio & Video" button. Once you see yourself on screen, you're live to the audience.

You may want attendees to join you on screen to ask questions or interact. If so, you can see attendees asking to join at the bottom of the video in the Moderator Panel. You get to choose who comes up on screen with you there by clicking the "+" button on each request.

While unlikely, if you run into any technical difficulties during your session, please write in the Hopin chat what your issue is and message me through Hopins direct messaging feature. Another admin or myself should be able to resolve your issue within a few minutes. You can also take a look at Hopins Knowledge Center if you have questions about how the platform works or have any issues.


@riecatnor count me in :raised_hands: I will be there if you need any help

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Talk Scheduled
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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