Please leave your questions/comments/concerns/suggestions on this ticket so we can improve for the future!
Context: During the "Packaging for Beginners" workshop ( it was briefly touched on about some "gotchas" and solving typical issues that one might encounter when preparing RPMs, that got me an idea - what about a panel in Nest 2023 or an article on Fedora Magazine about "Reporting Issues"?
Anyone can report an issue, but what good is it if it doesn't help determining the cause? Some reminder on how to Troubleshoot and Report Issues could be made.
It could cover: - Some troubleshooting process steps (determine how the issue can be replicated, what are the prerequisites to replicate the issue?) - A reminder where to find help (AskFedora, IRC/Matrix, etc), reminder that the average user will still just "Google it" and will land wherever the solution resides (might be AskUbuntu, might be Arch Wiki, might be OpenSuse forums, might be Red Hat Support article, might be AoL...) - How to determine the issue is a bug and not a "feature" to be able to report it - Where to report issues (maybe, once again, touch upon what does it mean "upstream & downstream" and where Fedora relates to other RHEL and RHEL-based projects) - How to report issues (all the info that has been gathered up to this point and how to compile it into a written & submitted form) - What to expect (reminder that some issues might not have quick/easy fixes available and may not get fixed immediately)
Context: During the "Marketing revival showcase" panel (, as well as being mentioned every here and there, a topic "How to turn users into contributors?" gets brought up (also somewhat touches on my previous comment).
Maybe less of a suggestion/comment about Nest itself but commenting (or throwing an idea out there for consideration) on the topic.
As it gets mentioned "People can contribute in any way they can" - there are many venues for users to get involved in and to become contributors. But because most of the users, may not (yet) be directly involved in the Fedora community (or, perhaps they stay within their own "realms" such as Reddit, Discord, etc), might, just feel comfortable to stay only users (perhaps, they may associate the word "contributor" differently, coming from a different Linux Distro or a FOSS project and consider it equivalent to packager, tester or developer), it may be worth to launch some campaigns just to attract more users (gaming as one such venue might work) - get them interested enough to join the general Fedora universe (Matrix/IRC, etc - get them to come over from Discord, Reddit, etc). For every 100 users there may just be 10+ potential contributors after all. Another thing to consider - targeting users that may be using Fedora or a version of Fedora (CoreOS, Fedora container, etc) but aren't necessarily ON Fedora, maybe try to get these users involved more in Fedora (sort of "you don't need to be on Fedora to contribute to Fedora").
Hi @karlisk thank you for this feedback! Both of your ideas are great and I'd really like to see a "reporting bugs" talk at a future Fedora event- it might actually be a good fit for a Release Party as that attracts plenty of Fedora users. If you think it would be a good article for the Fedora Magazine, you can write/collaborate/submit the idea with the Fedora Magazine team! Here are some links: - -
I couldn't agree about needing all kinds of contributions in Fedora, and I think it is a great idea for a marketing campaign. This could be something you propose on under the #marketing tag or directly to the Fedora Marketing team. Here are some links to get started: - - -
Thanks again for your feedback and participation at Nest :)
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: Resolved - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @isagordillo: - Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)
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