#92 Getting Started with Inkscape
Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by riecatnor.

What’s your proposal? Be specific about what you want to accomplish, how this helps the project and the attendees.

The goal of this workshop is to educate Fedorans on how to use Inkscape, a powerful and valuable open source tool graphic design tool. I hope to teach participants the basics of the program so they have the confidence to create designs using Inkscape in the future. I will provide an overview of the basic tools within Inkscape and then I will walk the attendees through a tutorial to create a simple design.
Educating contributors on how to use Inkscape will help the project as a whole by broadening individuals knowledge of open source tools. I hope to inspire Fedorans to contribute to or even join the Fedora Design team and empower them to create designs for future Fedora related endeavors such as: event fliers, logos for sub-projects, stickers & swag, t-shirts, badges.

Who needs to be in the room for this to succeed? List each person by Name and FAS ID as
Name (FAS ID)

Anyone who would like to learn more about using the open source software Inkscape. Hopefully a sizeable group of people who are ready to dive into Inkscape to learn the basics.

This is a …

Workshop of 2 hours

Anything else we need to know? This could be room setup, A/V needs, etc.

Standard projector set up for slides

Who are you?

Name: Marie Nordin
FAS ID: riecatnor

How about something like "Getting start with the Fedora Design Team with an introduction to Inkscape?"

@mattdm sounds good to me! I can do a overview of what the Design team does and how to get involved first and then jump into an intro on Inkscape as well as a short tutorial

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue tagged with: Talk In Consideration

6 years ago

I regret that we are unable to accept this talk this year. There will be lightning talk sessions and I encourage you to consider this option.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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