#127 Fix Jenkins Reporting
Closed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by mprahl.

Jenkins is no longer notifying the results of the unit tests on PR's.

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@james can you help me out? I'm not sure where the CI is configured to look at what could be wrong.

@ralph do you know anyone else that could help with this?

Not in particular. @james set it up. Maybe we can look at it tomorrow in #fedora-admin?

After poking around at the Jenkins config, I noticed there was an extra empty notification endpoint which I removed. I'm hoping that will fix some of the errors, but it seems that Jenkins is not being notified to start a build.

Still looking...

It seems that the only builds happening are when Jenkins polls Pagure every hour and notices a change. Either Pagure is not sending messages to the bus appropriately (unlikely), or something in the Poor Man's CI integration point is not configured correctly, but only @james has access to that.

The API key had expired, and the new Jenkins URL had to be https. It should be working now.

@mprahl changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

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