#1440 Enable handle_collisions_with_base_module_rpms after RHBZ#1693683 is addressed
Opened 4 years ago by mprahl. Modified 3 years ago

Due to RHBZ#1693683, handle_collisions_with_base_module_rpms must be disabled on non-RHEL-7 deployments. To make the experience of local builds consistent, PR #1439 just disables this for all local builds.

This needs to be reenabled once RHBZ#1693683 is addressed.

@psabata does RHBZ#1693683 need to be escalated since MBS during local builds will not be able to add conflicts for RPMs in the the Platform module that are also in the buildrequired modules? It will work in production because on RHEL 7, the version of DNF doesn't use libmodulemd. So the best case scenario here is that things work in production, but local builds will have different behavior.

I proposed a potential workaround in #1442 based on an idea by @sgallagh.

FYI, RHBZ#1693683 has been fixed. This can now be considered.

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