#35 mock backend
Closed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by lkocman.

add local mock as an optional backend for builder.py

@msuchy, we talked about making a copr backend too.

For now, can you wait for us to implement the mock backend first?

That will force us to clean up the internal API, which should make it much easier to implement the copr backend afterwards.

I will likely start working on it right now. But feel free to postpone accepting Copr backend till mock one is accepted. I have no problems to alter Copr backend according your changes in API.

FYI, the Factory 2.0 team will eventually work on this, but not anytime soon.

If it's important to you, please get in touch and we can advise on how to implement.

I asked jkadlcik to work on this. So he may submit PR soon.

@ralph changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

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