#421 Continuously try to reach num_consecutive_builds limit
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by ralph.

The MBS currently has a num_consecutive_builds limit, which it respects.

If I submit a module with 170 components, it will submit builds of the first $N and wait for them all to be done before submitting another $N. This ends up wasting time if one of the builds takes a very long time to complete (longer than the others).

Instead, the MBS should submit the first $N, and then every time one completes, see if it should submit another one to bring the total count back up from $N-1 to $N.


I also wonder if the default limit of five isn't too low.

Metadata Update from @jkaluza:
- Issue assigned to jkaluza

7 years ago

Ralph has also increased the limit of prod MBS to 15 I think.

Ralph has also increased the limit of prod MBS to 15 I think.

Not in the current deployment. It's building five components at a time tops.

Bad wording, sorry ;) I see it ansible for prod, I have not checked if that's deployed. But on next update, 15 will be the limit definitely.

Metadata Update from @jkaluza:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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