#514 Issue where an included module contains the same component as the module being built
Closed 6 years ago Opened 7 years ago by mprahl.

Currently, if module1 requires component "A" and module2 includes module1 and requires component "A" as well, it would cause issues.

MBS should handle two situations (either through errors or finding a way to deal with it):

  • a module that requires a component includes a module that requires the same component
  • a module that requires a component includes a module that requires the same component but with a different stream

it would cause issues.

@mprahl, @mikeb and I ran across this one in grooming and are confused.

Can you take a stab at rewriting the text to spell out more of the details?

Ping @mprahl - can you take a look at revising the text here?

@ralph I revised it a little bit. It was mostly the formatting that was off. I don't know if this is still an issue. @jkaluza, thoughts?

Hey, let's drop this one. We're not actually hitting this in practice. If we do, we'll know more about it then. Thanks!

Metadata Update from @ralph:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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