#879 Override the PDC URL when running a local build using `fedpkg and `rhpkg`
Opened 6 years ago by mprahl. Modified 6 years ago

@jaruga discovered that the PDC URL remains the default Fedora one during local builds even when using rhpkg. So rhpkg and fedpkg should supply their own PDC URL for MBS to use. We should probably do this with the Koji URL while we are at it since we query Koji during local builds.

Also, the DISTGITS config dict.

(Moving this over to track as a part of rpkg.)

Metadata Update from @ralph:
- Issue close_status updated to: Duplicate
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

@ralph this should still be open because we need to be able to override MBS config values in the local build command on mbs-manager (which rpkg calls under the hood).

Metadata Update from @mprahl:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

6 years ago

Understood. Internally, I've moved the mbs-manager change here back into our Next column.

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