#97 Clean up the way that the configuration is used
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by mprahl.

Currently, when the configuration file is changed, code has to be changed so that it can be used in the app. This should be cleaned up so that any setting can be added and accessible to the app without code change.

Based on discussion here:

I'd like to see most of the code in module_build_service/config.py removed, if possible. I don't see the value of all those @property methods. As mentioned in the #73 discussion, it seems like a waste to have to add setter/getter code whenever we want to add new config values.

It may be that we need to retain some small portion of the module_build_service/config.py code. If so, that's okay. I would like to keep it small as possible to cut down on the number of code changes we have to make.

@fivaldi changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

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