#1374 Remove the “All” MMDResolver policy
Merged 4 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 4 years ago by cqi.
cqi/fm-orchestrator remove-all-mmdresolver-policy  into  master

@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ 

  # Written by Jan Kaluža <jkaluza@redhat.com>

  #            Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com>


- import enum

  import collections

  import itertools

  import solv
@@ -31,11 +30,6 @@ 

  from module_build_service.models import ModuleBuild



- class MMDResolverPolicy(enum.Enum):

-     All = "all"  # All possible top-level combinations

-     First = "first"  # All possible top-level combinations (filtered by N:S, first picked)



  class MMDResolver(object):


      Resolves dependencies between Module metadata objects.
@@ -415,27 +409,19 @@ 


          return solvables


-     def solve(self, mmd, policy=MMDResolverPolicy.First):

+     def solve(self, mmd):


          Solves dependencies of module defined by `mmd` object. Returns set

          containing frozensets with all the possible combinations which

          satisfied dependencies.


-         :param Modulemd mmd: Input modulemd which should have the `context` set

-             to None.

-         :param policy: Policy to use when the dependencies used in buildrequires

-             section are ambigous. For example, when the single buildrequired

-             module is gtk:1 and this gtk:1 module is built against both

-             platform:f28 and platform:f29, the policy influences the resolving

-             in following way:


-             - MMDResolverPolicy.First: Only single combination of buildrequires

-               will be returned with "gtk:1" and "platform:f28", because the input

-               buildrequires section did not mention any platform stream and

-               therefore "first one" is used.

-             - MMDResolverPolicy.All: Two combinations of buildrequires will be returned,

-               one with "gtk:1" and "platform:f28", other with "gtk:1" and "platform:f29".

+         ``solve`` uses a policy called "First" to resolve the dependencies.

+         That is, only single combination of buildrequires will be returned with

+         "gtk:1" and "platform:f28", because the input buildrequires section did

+         not mention any platform stream and therefore "first one" is used.


+         :param mmd: Input modulemd which should have the `context` set to None.

+         :type mmd: Modulemd.ModuleStream

          :return: set of frozensets of n:s:v:c of modules which satisfied the

              dependency solving.

@@ -514,18 +500,14 @@ 

                  log.debug("Testing %s with combination: %s", src, opt)

                  # We will be trying to solve all the combinations using all the NSVCs

                  # we have in pool, but as we said earlier, we don't want to return

-                 # all of them when MMDResolverPolicy.First is used.

+                 # all of them for the used resolve policy "First".

                  # We will achieve that by storing alternative combinations in `src_alternatives`

                  # with NSVC as key in case we want all of them and NS as a key when we want

                  # just First combination for given dependency.

                  # This will allow us to group alternatives for single NS in case of First

                  # policy and later return just the first alternative.

-                 if policy == MMDResolverPolicy.All:

-                     kfunc = s2nsvca

-                 elif policy == MMDResolverPolicy.First:

-                     kfunc = s2ns

                  # `key` contains tuple similar to "('gtk:1', 'foo:1')"

-                 key = tuple(kfunc(s) for s in opt)

+                 key = tuple(s2ns(s) for s in opt)


                  # Create the solving jobs.

                  # We need to say to libsolv that we want it to prefer modules from the combination
@@ -580,43 +562,40 @@ 


                      log.debug("  - ^ Not all favored solvables found in the result, skipping.")


-         # If the MMDResolverPolicy is First, we will check all the alternatives and keep

-         # just the "first" one.

-         if policy == MMDResolverPolicy.First:

-             # Prune

-             for transactions in alternatives.values():

-                 for ns, trans in transactions.items():

-                     # Each transaction in trans lists all the possible working

-                     # combination of solvables. Our goal here is to find out the

-                     # transaction which installs the most latest Solvables - ideally

-                     # always the latest versions of the Solvables we have, but this might

-                     # not be always possible because of dependencies.

-                     #

-                     # We achieve that by generating sorted_trans list in follwing format:

-                     #   [[transaction_id, [solvable1_index, solvable2_index, ...]], [...], ...]

-                     #

-                     # The solvableN_index is a number saying how new the solvable is. We use

-                     # `self.solvables` to get that number and it is simply index

-                     # of the solvable in the particular self.solvables[name_stream] list.

-                     # The newest solvable has therefore index 0, the next newest solvable index 1

-                     # and so on.

-                     #

-                     # Then we simply sort the `sorted_trans` based on the sum of solvableN_index

-                     # which gives us the transaction with the most recent versions. This is

-                     # used as a solution.

-                     sorted_trans = []

-                     for i, t in enumerate(trans):

-                         idx = []

-                         for s in t:

-                             name_stream = s2ns(s)

-                             if name_stream not in self.solvables:

-                                 continue

-                             index = self.solvables[name_stream].index(s)

-                             idx.append(index)

-                         sorted_trans.append([i, idx])

-                     sorted_trans.sort(key=lambda i: sum(i[1]))

-                     if sorted_trans:

-                         transactions[ns] = [trans[sorted_trans[0][0]]]

+         # We will check all the alternatives and keep just the "first" one.

+         for transactions in alternatives.values():

+             for ns, trans in transactions.items():

+                 # Each transaction in trans lists all the possible working

+                 # combination of solvables. Our goal here is to find out the

+                 # transaction which installs the most latest Solvables - ideally

+                 # always the latest versions of the Solvables we have, but this might

+                 # not be always possible because of dependencies.

+                 #

+                 # We achieve that by generating sorted_trans list in follwing format:

+                 #   [[transaction_id, [solvable1_index, solvable2_index, ...]], [...], ...]

+                 #

+                 # The solvableN_index is a number saying how new the solvable is. We use

+                 # `self.solvables` to get that number and it is simply index

+                 # of the solvable in the particular self.solvables[name_stream] list.

+                 # The newest solvable has therefore index 0, the next newest solvable index 1

+                 # and so on.

+                 #

+                 # Then we simply sort the `sorted_trans` based on the sum of solvableN_index

+                 # which gives us the transaction with the most recent versions. This is

+                 # used as a solution.

+                 sorted_trans = []

+                 for i, t in enumerate(trans):

+                     idx = []

+                     for s in t:

+                         name_stream = s2ns(s)

+                         if name_stream not in self.solvables:

+                             continue

+                         index = self.solvables[name_stream].index(s)

+                         idx.append(index)

+                     sorted_trans.append([i, idx])

+                 sorted_trans.sort(key=lambda i: sum(i[1]))

+                 if sorted_trans:

+                     transactions[ns] = [trans[sorted_trans[0][0]]]


          # Convert the solvables in alternatives to nsvc and return them as set of frozensets.

          return set(