#1755 Do Not Merge - Avoid libmodulemd symbol clash
Opened 2 years ago by breilly. Modified 2 years ago
breilly/fm-orchestrator dnfworkaround  into  master

@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ 

  import subprocess

  import threading


- import dnf

  import koji

  import kobo.rpmlib

  import platform
@@ -182,6 +181,10 @@ 


      Returns the $releasever variable used in the system when expanding .repo files.


+     # import dnf in function to avoid symbol name clashing

+     # see: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10850

+     import dnf


      dnf_base = dnf.Base()

      return dnf_base.conf.releasever

@@ -196,6 +199,10 @@ 

      :param str platform_id: The `name:stream` of a fake platform module to generate in this

          method. When not set, the /etc/os-release is parsed to get the PLATFORM_ID.


+     # import dnf in function to avoid symbol name clashing

+     # see: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10850

+     import dnf


      log.info("Loading available RPM repositories.")

      dnf_base = dnf.Base()


@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ 

  import os

  import shutil

  import tempfile

+ import subprocess


- import dnf

  import kobo.rpmlib

  import koji

  import packaging.version
@@ -230,18 +230,20 @@ 

      :param bool force_for_old_dnf: add the conflicts even if libdnf can't handle them

      :raise RuntimeError: when a Koji query fails


-     if (not force_for_old_dnf

-             and packaging.version.parse(dnf.VERSION) < packaging.version.parse('4.2.19')):

-         # For local builds, we can't use this code unless libdnf uses libmodulemd2

-         # (done in libdnf-0.45) - we can't check the libdnf version, so use

-         # dnf-4.2.19 (which requires libdnf-0.45) as a proxy.

-         log.warning(

-             "The necessary conflicts could not be generated due to RHBZ#1693683. "

-             "Some RPMs from the base modules (%s) may end up being used over modular RPMs. "

-             "This may result in different behavior than a production build.",

-             ", ".join(conf.base_module_names)

-         )

-         return

+     # Commenting out for dnf workaround

+     # See: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10850

+     #if (not force_for_old_dnf

+     #        and packaging.version.parse(dnf.VERSION) < packaging.version.parse('4.2.19')):

+     #    # For local builds, we can't use this code unless libdnf uses libmodulemd2

+     #    # (done in libdnf-0.45) - we can't check the libdnf version, so use

+     #    # dnf-4.2.19 (which requires libdnf-0.45) as a proxy.

+     #    log.warning(

+     #        "The necessary conflicts could not be generated due to RHBZ#1693683. "

+     #        "Some RPMs from the base modules (%s) may end up being used over modular RPMs. "

+     #        "This may result in different behavior than a production build.",

+     #        ", ".join(conf.base_module_names)

+     #    )

+     #    return


      log.info("Finding any buildrequired modules that collide with the RPMs in the base modules")

      bm_tags = set()
@@ -345,91 +347,10 @@ 


      return nevras



  def _get_rpms_in_external_repo(repo_url, arches, cache_dir_name):

-     """

-     Get the available RPMs in the external repo for the provided arches.


-     :param str repo_url: the URL of the external repo with the "$arch" variable included

-     :param list arches: the list of arches to query the external repo for

-     :param str cache_dir_name: the cache directory name under f"{conf.cache_dir}/dnf"

-     :return: a set of the RPM NEVRAs

-     :rtype: set

-     :raise RuntimeError: if the cache is not writeable or the external repo couldn't be loaded

-     :raises ValueError: if there is no "$arch" variable in repo URL

-     """

-     if "$arch" not in repo_url:

-         raise ValueError(

-             "The external repo {} does not contain the $arch variable".format(repo_url)

-         )


-     base = dnf.Base()

-     try:

-         dnf_conf = base.conf

-         # Expire the metadata right away so that when a repo is loaded, it will always check to

-         # see if the external repo has been updated

-         dnf_conf.metadata_expire = 0

+     # Calling an external script using subprocess to avoid importing dnf

+     # See: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10850

+     nevras = subprocess.check_output(['mbs-get-rpms-in-external-repo', repo_url, cache_dir_name,

+                                       conf.cache_dir, str(conf.dnf_timeout), str(conf.dnf_minrate)] + arches)


-         cache_location = os.path.join(conf.cache_dir, "dnf", cache_dir_name)

-         try:

-             # exist_ok=True can't be used in Python 2

-             os.makedirs(cache_location, mode=0o0770)

-         except OSError as e:

-             # Don't fail if the directories already exist

-             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

-                 log.exception("Failed to create the cache directory %s", cache_location)

-                 raise RuntimeError("The MBS cache is not writeable.")


-         # Tell DNF to use the cache directory

-         dnf_conf.cachedir = cache_location

-         # Don't skip repos that can't be synchronized

-         dnf_conf.skip_if_unavailable = False

-         dnf_conf.timeout = conf.dnf_timeout

-         # Get rid of everything to be sure it's a blank slate. This doesn't delete the cached repo

-         # data.

-         base.reset(repos=True, goal=True, sack=True)


-         # Add a separate repo for each architecture

-         for arch in arches:

-             # Convert arch to canon_arch. This handles cases where Koji "i686" arch is mapped to

-             # "i386" when generating RPM repository.

-             canon_arch = koji.canonArch(arch)

-             repo_name = "repo_{}".format(canon_arch)

-             repo_arch_url = repo_url.replace("$arch", canon_arch)

-             base.repos.add_new_repo(

-                 repo_name, dnf_conf, baseurl=[repo_arch_url], minrate=conf.dnf_minrate,

-             )


-         try:

-             # Load the repos in parallel

-             base.update_cache()

-         except dnf.exceptions.RepoError:

-             msg = "Failed to load the external repos"

-             log.exception(msg)

-             raise RuntimeError(msg)


-         # dnf will not always raise an error on repo failures, so we check explicitly

-         for repo_name in base.repos:

-             if not base.repos[repo_name].metadata:

-                 msg = "Failed to load metadata for repo %s" % repo_name

-                 log.exception(msg)

-                 raise RuntimeError(msg)


-         base.fill_sack(load_system_repo=False)


-         # Return all the available RPMs

-         nevras = set()

-         for rpm in base.sack.query().available():

-             rpm_dict = {

-                 "arch": rpm.arch,

-                 "epoch": rpm.epoch,

-                 "name": rpm.name,

-                 "release": rpm.release,

-                 "version": rpm.version,

-             }

-             nevra = kobo.rpmlib.make_nvra(rpm_dict, force_epoch=True)

-             nevras.add(nevra)

-     finally:

-         base.close()


-     return nevras

+     return set(nevras.split())

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ 

+ import os

+ import sys

+ assert "gi" not in sys.modules

+ import errno

+ import koji

+ import kobo.rpmlib

+ import dnf


+ # Moved _get_rpms_in_external_repo logic to a separate script to avoid symbol clash with dnf

+ # See: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10850


+ def main(argv=sys.argv):

+ #def main(repo_url, cache_dir_name, cache_dir, dnf_timeout, dnf_minrate, arches):

+     """

+     Get the available RPMs in the external repo for the provided arches.


+     :param str repo_url: the URL of the external repo with the "$arch" variable included

+     :param list arches: the list of arches to query the external repo for

+     :param str cache_dir_name: the cache directory name under f"{conf.cache_dir}/dnf"

+     :return: a set of the RPM NEVRAs

+     :rtype: set

+     :raise RuntimeError: if the cache is not writeable or the external repo couldn't be loaded

+     :raises ValueError: if there is no "$arch" variable in repo URL

+     """


+     repo_url = argv[1]

+     cache_dir_name = argv[2]

+     cache_dir = argv[3]

+     dnf_timeout = argv[4]

+     dnf_minrate = argv[5]

+     arches = argv[6:]


+     if "$arch" not in repo_url:

+         raise ValueError(

+             "The external repo {} does not contain the $arch variable".format(repo_url)

+         )


+     base = dnf.Base()

+     try:

+         dnf_conf = base.conf

+         # Expire the metadata right away so that when a repo is loaded, it will always check to

+         # see if the external repo has been updated

+         dnf_conf.metadata_expire = 0


+         cache_location = os.path.join(cache_dir, "dnf", cache_dir_name)

+         try:

+             # exist_ok=True can't be used in Python 2

+             os.makedirs(cache_location, mode=0o0770)

+         except OSError as e:

+             # Don't fail if the directories already exist

+             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                 #log.exception("Failed to create the cache directory %s", cache_location)

+                 raise RuntimeError("The MBS cache is not writeable.")


+         # Tell DNF to use the cache directory

+         dnf_conf.cachedir = cache_location

+         # Don't skip repos that can't be synchronized

+         dnf_conf.skip_if_unavailable = False

+         dnf_conf.timeout = int(dnf_timeout)

+         # Get rid of everything to be sure it's a blank slate. This doesn't delete the cached repo

+         # data.

+         base.reset(repos=True, goal=True, sack=True)


+         # Add a separate repo for each architecture

+         for arch in arches:

+             # Convert arch to canon_arch. This handles cases where Koji "i686" arch is mapped to

+             # "i386" when generating RPM repository.

+             canon_arch = koji.canonArch(arch)

+             repo_name = "repo_{}".format(canon_arch)

+             repo_arch_url = repo_url.replace("$arch", canon_arch)

+             base.repos.add_new_repo(

+                 repo_name, dnf_conf, baseurl=[repo_arch_url], minrate=int(dnf_minrate),

+             )


+         try:

+             # Load the repos in parallel

+             base.update_cache()

+         except dnf.exceptions.RepoError:

+             msg = "Failed to load the external repos"

+             #log.exception(msg)

+             raise RuntimeError(msg)


+         # dnf will not always raise an error on repo failures, so we check explicitly

+         for repo_name in base.repos:

+             if not base.repos[repo_name].metadata:

+                 msg = "Failed to load metadata for repo %s" % repo_name

+                 #log.exception(msg)

+                 raise RuntimeError(msg)


+         base.fill_sack(load_system_repo=False)


+         # Return all the available RPMs

+         nevras = set()

+         for rpm in base.sack.query().available():

+             rpm_dict = {

+                 "arch": rpm.arch,

+                 "epoch": rpm.epoch,

+                 "name": rpm.name,

+                 "release": rpm.release,

+                 "version": rpm.version,

+             }

+             nevra = kobo.rpmlib.make_nvra(rpm_dict, force_epoch=True)

+             nevras.add(nevra)

+     finally:

+         base.close()


+     print(" ".join(nevras))

file modified
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ 

              "mbs-upgradedb = module_build_service.manage:upgradedb",

              "mbs-frontend = module_build_service.manage:run",

              "mbs-manager = module_build_service.manage:manager_wrapper",

+             "mbs-get-rpms-in-external-repo = module_build_service_workarounds.externalrepo:main"


          "moksha.consumer": "mbsconsumer = module_build_service.scheduler.consumer:MBSConsumer",

          "mbs.messaging_backends": [

Importing dnf in the MBS process causes a symbol clash on RHEL 7. This
is a temporary fix to avoid that, and should not be merged.

See https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10850

Filing this PR to track the patch we're making to our hosts, but once they're upgraded to RHEL 8/Fedora this should be dropped.

This change also breaks unit tests for external repos - the tests can't mock out the dnf return values as they're in a subprocess call.

Return doesn't look right here - I'd expect 'print(" ".join(nevras))' or something like that

If the workaround was made permanent (or when MBS is just made to hard require rhel8 or newer dnf), this and force_for_old_dnf could all drop out - this is precisely to avoid libmodulemd1 and libmodulemd2 in the same process as it turns out - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1693683

And this would need to strip/split the output

I think module_build_service.init.py will get imported in this case - which is hopefully harmless, but it does drag in various other parts of MBS. Maybe add a assert "gi" not in sys.modules to externalrepo.py?

It woudl be really nice if the unit tests for externalrepos worked - would give a lot more confidence in the change :-) .... don't really have a great idea for that - I guess you could put the DNF mocks directly in externalrepo.py and activate them with an environment variable.

1 new commit added

  • Move externalrepo script to new module
2 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Move externalrepo script to new module
  • Avoid libmodulemd symbol clash
2 years ago

Thanks for looking it over @otaylor!
I'd also like to get the unit tests working, I'll see what I can do about that.

I also had to move the new script to its own module, to avoid pulling in anything from module_build_service.

rebased onto e8d0874

2 years ago

Still unable to get unit tests working as intended, but I did get them running individually by doing the mocks in the externalrepo script directly each time - caught a couple of issues that way, but it should be working as intended now.