b6189dd resort tests from lib to hub for py2

Authored and Committed by julian8628 4 months ago
    resort tests from lib to hub for py2
tests/test_hub/test_auth.py tests/test_lib/test_auth.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
empty file added
tests/test_hub/test_db/test_bulkupdate_processor.py tests/test_hub/test_bulkupdate_processor.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
tests/test_hub/test_db/test_insert_processor.py tests/test_lib/test_insert_processor.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
tests/test_hub/test_db/test_query_processor.py tests/test_lib/test_query_processor.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
tests/test_hub/test_db/test_savepoint.py tests/test_lib/test_savepoint.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
tests/test_hub/test_db/test_update_processor.py tests/test_lib/test_update_processor.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
tests/test_hub/test_db/test_upsert_processor.py tests/test_hub/test_upsert_processor.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file