#7596 Misc Ubuntu 18.04 LTS installation blockers with working fixes
Closed: invalid 5 years ago by rcritten. Opened 5 years ago by hcoin.

Request to incorporate install blocker fixes.

As root installer , I want permission changes on several files and some install timings so that installation doesn't fail on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS aka 'bionic'.


The permissions on several files block successful installation and first admin login of FreeIPA

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install all the necessary support packages, prep as per given advice (/etc/hosts and the like)
  2. apt install freeipa-server-dns
  3. run 'ipa-server-install --setup-dns
  4. Note failures cured by fixes below.

Actual behavior

Install fails with complaints about DNS, permission issues, failure to wait for services to provide service after having been started. Even after all the fixes below... the ui checkbox which should be font-awsome square or square with a check is one of two unicode numbers within a square. Appears to be ssl related.

Expected behavior

Normal, complaint-free install, checkboxes are not unicode values within a square.


4.7 pre1

Additional info:

Here's a set of work-arounds that avoid all the issues. It would be nice if the installer dropped no-longer-needed dependencies and otherwise avoided the need for these.

apt install freeipa-server-dns python-psutil haveged
#add dependencies to avoid later install fails and lengthy entropy gathering delays.

#Going for integrated DNS, get the high-overhead network manager and system resolver out.
systemctl disable systemd-resolved
systemctl disable network-manager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
mv /lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service NetworkManager.service.res
rm /etc/resolv.conf #It's a link to a stub resolver, replace it with
cat > /etc/resolv.con
search your.domain

clean the netplan directory, set up very simple file:
/etc/netplan/01-networkd.yaml with the below (change addresses and domains to yours):

version: 2
renderer: networkd
- 192.168.who.knows/24
gateway4: 192.168.my.gateway
search: [privatesubdomain.domain.com, domain.com]
addresses: []

Then give these commands to avoid various install blocking complaints:

usermod bind -aG softhsm
mkdir /var/lib/softhsm/tokens
chown root:softhsm /var/lib/softhsm/tokens
chmod 0770 /var/lib/softhsm/tokens
chmod g+s /var/lib/softhsm/tokens

#see https://pagure.io/bind-dyndb-ldap/c/4fb51bac7f4f739975a2afb857b686869eff92b6?branch=master
#to learn the dependency on named-pkcs11 is a legacy workaround for a fixed fedora issue.
mv /usr/sbin/named-pkcs11 /usr/sbin/named-pkcs11-dpkg-dist
cp /usr/sbin/named /usr/sbin/named-pkcs11
#Without the above, assertions about an empty domain crash named-pkcs11.

To these two files, add right after 'import time', add 'import psutil'.

To these, add
while psutil.cpu_percent() > 9: time.sleep(2)

in the following places:

right after self.restart() in start in bindinstance.py . Avoids crash due to dns lookup failure.
and __inside
the loop following time.sleep(80) in migrate_profiles_to_ldap

I think the whole 'time.sleep(...) notion is a very non-robust way to ensure the recently (re) started service is available for the immediately following setup code. Better to set up a routine which measures system resources then returns when nearly idle, and blocks the installer from running should it detect a busy system.

The assumption here is the only process of consequence running is the installer. There are other race conditions that lead to install failure, but setting 3 or more processor cores and 4gb of memory avoids them. Without the above two changes complaints about no ipa_ca entry happen, failure to install SSH.. records, or just a bailout around installer step 24/28.

Reboot, then ipa-install-server --setup-dns --no-forwarders finishes without error.

chgrp ipaapi /var/lib/krb5kdc #so freeipa admin log in can find key.
chmod g+rx /var/lib/krb5kdc

Note Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is a moving target. The above applied as of 6/23/18.

Here's the added two things needed for the GUI to display correctly:

apt install libjs-scriptaculous


The installed code expects fontawesome, not font-awesome in the truetype directory.

cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype
ln -s font-awesome /usr/share/fonts/truetype/fontawesome

Hi @tjaalton,
could you have a look at this issue? Thanks.

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Issue assigned to tjaalton

5 years ago

None of this belongs upstream, apart from maybe adjusting cainstance/bindinstance.. everything else is either fixed in distro packaging git or belongs there anyway.

actually cainstance is racy on debian/ubuntu because tomcat doesn't use systemd (and won't, in the foreseeable future), but adding hacks like this belongs in the packaging and not upstream

The named-pkcs11 thing needs to go away. Also it appears district specific files live here .. fontawesome vs font-awesome. Etc. I bet Debian has similar issues. .

And really, any use of sleep during install is high hackage. If I lower the core count or memory more of that race crashing happens.

Going to close as this is discussing downstream packaging issues and not upstream.

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue close_status updated to: invalid
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

Probably a bad idea to close it for that reason. Using 'sleep' in the installer is in fact high hackage and needs replacing in favor of code that actually tests for what it needs and reports meaningful information if not available.

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