#503 Hotel reservation
Closed: Invalid None Opened 9 years ago by yn1v.

Mansión Teodolinda is the main accomodation.
organizing team will handle reservation sponsored
People nos sponsored can reserve using FUDCON as identifier for the discount
There is no hard dead line, but we must be aware that the availability is limited.

Hotel reservations have been made for those who replied the email requesting dates.

Replying to [comment:1 yn1v]:

Hotel reservations have been made for those who replied the email requesting dates.

Who are the ones remaining? As Lorddemon has been approved, is it possible to make him share room with someone else?

hace falta verificar si Itamar, va avenir al evento

confirmado, voy estar en fudcon.

I will arrive 22-october 21:00 -pm

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