#1 Create a list of packages that will be the minimal we need to run from scratch
Closed: complete 3 years ago by jflory7. Opened 4 years ago by x3mboy.

As agreed in our 1st meeting, we need a list of packages that will be needed as base to the spins. This means that some components may be already in another spin and/or in Workstation,.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue tagged with: Packages

4 years ago

I know that we already have vim-minimal in the group core and nano in the group standard, but i would like to add gedit too. For the people that still like a graphic text editor that you can copy and paste with ctrl + c ctrl + v , cause its easily than ctrl + alt + v.

I know that we already have vim-minimal in the group core and nano in the group standard, but i would like to add gedit too. For the people that still like a graphic text editor that you can copy and paste with ctrl + c ctrl + v , cause its easily than ctrl + alt + v.


i think having a graphical editor is a good idea, but i'm not sure gedit is the best choice given its integration with GNOME. perhaps something with less ties to the WM would nice, i'm not sure what XFCE uses but i feel like there are plenty of good options for editors.

XFCE uses mousepad, which I believe is (aesthetically) superior in this instance because it allows for "borderless" operation (no window chrome). As a result, it tiles beautifully in i3. When I've made my own i3 environments, this is the text editor to which I default. If we're shipping an XFCE variety of the spin, this would be ideal.

XFCE uses mousepad, which I believe is (aesthetically) superior in this instance because it allows for "borderless" operation (no window chrome). As a result, it tiles beautifully in i3. When I've made my own i3 environments, this is the text editor to which I default. If we're shipping an XFCE variety of the spin, this would be ideal.

We already decide gedit as editor. It's not written in stone, but we will take your recommendation into account, probably we will test it's behaviour and look and feel, and we will come back with a decision after.

Thanks for taking the time to make recommendations.

We already decide gedit as editor. It's not written in stone, but we will take your recommendation into account, probably we will test it's behaviour and look and feel, and we will come back with a decision after.

Thanks for considering the recommendation.

@x3mboy has done some work already on looking at Mousepad. If I remember right, he is considering to package it in Fedora? Is that right?

Just wondering if there is anything left to follow up here, or if we can close this as complete since we have a basic Kickstart now. We can make some tiny changes later if needed.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy (was: nasirhm)
- Issue marked as blocking: #4
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 34 Change Proposal deadline

3 years ago

We publish a page in our docs about package groups:


I think this ticket is sufficiently completed. Anyone can open an issue to propose changes to the base install set.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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