#267 Delete bugzilla sync sop, no longer needed.
Merged 4 months ago by zlopez. Opened 5 months ago by kevin.
kevin/infra-docs-fpo nuke-bugzilla-sync  into  master

@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ 

- = Bugzilla Sync Infrastructure SOP


- We do not run bugzilla.redhat.com. If bugzilla itself is down we need to

- get in touch with Red Hat IT or one of the bugzilla hackers (for

- instance, Dave Lawrence (dkl)) in order to fix it.


- Infrastructure has some scripts that perform administrative functions on

- bugzilla.redhat.com. These scripts sync information from FAS and the

- Package Database into bugzilla.


- == Contents


- * <<_contact_information>>

- * <<_description>>

- * <<_troubleshooting_and_resolution>>


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-admin

- Persons::

-   abadger1999

- Location::

-   Phoenix, Denver (Tummy), Red Hat Infrastructure

- Servers::

-   (fas1, app5) => Need to migrate these to bapp1, bugzilla.redhat.com

- Purpose::

-   Sync Fedora information to bugzilla.redhat.com


- == Description


- At present there are two scripts that sync information from Fedora into

- bugzilla.


- === export-bugzilla.py


- `export-bugzilla.py` is the first script. It is responsible for syncing

- Fedora Accounts into bugzilla. It adds Fedora packages and bug triagers

- into a bugzilla group that gives the users extra permissions within

- bugzilla. This script is run off of a cron job on FAS1. The source code

- resides in the FAS git repo in `fas/scripts/export-bugzilla.*` however

- the code we run on the servers presently lives in ansible:


- ....

- roles/fas_server/files/export-bugzilla

- ....


- === pkgdb-sync-bugzilla


- The other script is pkgdb-sync-bugzilla. It is responsible for syncing

- the package owners and cclists to bugzilla from the pkgdb. The script

- runs off a cron job on app5. The source code is in the packagedb bzr

- repo is

- `packagedb/fedora-packagedb-stable/server-scripts/pkgdb-sync-bugzilla.*`.

- Just like FAS, a separate copy is presently installed from ansbile to

- `/usr/local/bin/pkgdb-sync-bugzilla` but that should change ASAP as the

- present fedora-packagedb package installs

- `/usr/bin/pkgdb-sync-bugzilla`.


- == Troubleshooting and Resolution


- === Errors while syncing bugzilla with the PackageDB


- One frequent problem is that people will sign up to watch a package in

- the packagedb but their email address in FAS isn't a bugzilla email

- address. When this happens the scripts that try to sync the packagedb

- information to bugzilla encounter an error and send an email like this:


- ....

- Subject: Errors while syncing bugzilla with the PackageDB


- The following errors were encountered while updating bugzilla with information

- from the Package Database.  Please have the problems taken care of:


- ({'product': u'Fedora', 'component': u'aircrack-ng', 'initialowner': u'baz@zardoz.org',

- 'initialcclist': [u'foo@bar.org', u'baz@zardoz.org']}, 504, 'The name foo@bar.org is not a

- valid username.  \n    Either you misspelled it, or the person has not\n    registered for a

- Red Hat Bugzilla account.')

- ....


- When this happens we attempt to contact the person with the problematic

- mail address and get them to change it. Here's a boilerplate message:


- ....

- To: foo@bar.org

- Subject: Fedora Account System Email vs Bugzilla Email


- Hello,


- You are signed up to receive bug reports against the aircrack-ng package

- in Fedora.  Unfortunately, the email address we have for you in the

- Fedora Account System is not a valid bugzilla email address.  That means

- that bugzilla won't send you mail and we're getting errors in the script

- that syncs the cclist into bugzilla.


- There's a few ways to resolve this:


- 1) Create a new bugzilla account with the email foo@bar.org as

- an account at https://bugzilla.redhat.com.


- 2) Change an existing account on https://bugzilla.redhat.com to use the

- foo@bar.org email address.


- 3) Change your email address in https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts

- to use an email address that matches with an existing bugzilla email

- address.


- Please let me know what you want to do!


- Thank you,

- ....


- If the user does not reply someone in the cvsadmin group needs to go

- into the pkgdb and remove the user from the cclist for the package.

This has all been moved to toddlers, so any info about it can go in a
toddler SOP. The scripts, hosts, and people mentioned here haven't been
valid for a long time. ;)

See also https://pagure.io/infra-docs-fpo/issue/27

Signed-off-by: Kevin Fenzi kevin@scrye.com

rebased onto 1a819df

4 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by zlopez

4 months ago