#176 Invite striker to #fedora-ops
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by nb.

I would like to nominate striker (FAS: strikerttd) for a #fedora-ops invite. Temp invite for now, which just requires a second from another voting member, pending the outcome of the op nomination ticket which I will file.

Striker helps in #fedora frequently, and I had the pleasure of meeting him in person this past weekend at SELF 2015. I believe he would be an asset to the IRC Support SIG.

I'll second. He has been helping out in #fedora quite a lot.

Has been seconded. closing this ticket

whoa this needs to be open long enogh for others to comment and be voted on at a meeting

who is dp97??

I have a major issue with the way this has been handled
(i am for Striker 100%) but i am not for the way thiswas back doored as quickly as it was

Yeah, it does need to stay open...

That said:

"Invited contributors can be allowed temporary invitee status by nomination from an op and a second from any other operator for a maximum of 2 weeks. For longer term invitee status a vote should be required as defined below. Invitees have no voting privledges as provided those in the irc-support-operators FAS group."

So, the process for a 2 week temp status is fine, it's just the longer term one that needs voting. (assuming it's not mooted by the op proposal).

dp67 is N3LRX on irc.

Oh ok, sorry. It was not my intention to hide anything.

This ticket is mooted by ticket 177 being approved.

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