#118 Cached/outdated data causes the-new-hotness to create outdated bugs
Opened 3 years ago by hadess. Modified 3 years ago

From https://github.com/fedora-infra/the-new-hotness/issues/314

This bug filed at 11:52AM UTC:
was filed about 10 minutes after the package was updated in rawhide:

This sort of problem is particularly egregious when I'm also the person doing the upstream releases.

the-new-hotness should be able to check whether a package has already been built but not yet deployed in the rawhide repos, and back off when a build is already on-going.

This sort of problem is particularly egregious when I'm also the person doing the upstream releases.

If you're the person doing the upstream releases as well as the packaging, do you need enable that monitoring?

If you're the person doing the upstream releases as well as the packaging, do you need enable that monitoring?

I never enabled that monitoring.

You can disable it at: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/switcheroo-control on the left hand side column, see the monitoring drop-down

You can disable it at: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/switcheroo-control on the left hand side column, see the monitoring drop-down

I know, but that's not the problem here. The mdapi returns cached data which the-new-hotness doesn't synchronise with to create new bugs I didn't ask for, and nobody wants to take responsibility.

I know, but that's not the problem here.

That doesn't even work because I'm not marked as "the maintainer". I managed to orphan it as a non-maintainer though...

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