#73 Fedora Design Internship for Outreachy
Closed 4 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 5 years ago by riecatnor.

Fedora Design Outreachy Internship

This is a proposed project for Outreachy. Note that once this ticket is approved you will have to register as a mentor on the Outreachy page and enter this information again. Many of these questions are based on the application on the Outreachy website.

One-line name:
Fedora Design

Longer description of project:
The Fedora Design Team is Fedora's in-house design agency. We provide artwork, user experience, usability, and general design services to the Fedora project.

License of the project:
Variety of licenses. Clarification to follow.

Longevity (How long has the team accepted contributions)
10+ years

Community size:
70+ contributors in the Fedora Design team FAS group

How will this project benefit Fedora:

Sample plan of work for the 12 week internship. What are milestones the intern should be hitting? This doesn't need to be incredibly detailed and can change later but there needs to be a general breakdown of tasks.
Week 1: Draft Fedora Budget Quarterly and Yearly Reports designs
Week 2: Incorporate feedback into budget designs and complete. Begin to solicit and gather information from teams on accomplishments made in 2019.
Week 3: Organize info coming in from teams. Begin drafting infographics to highlight these accomplishments. Begin to solicit artwork, designs, photography, content, for Fedora Zine.
Week 4: Start working on a handout for events specified by Contributor Recruitment Initiative. Refine infographics for team accomplishments, continue to solicit info/gather/organize.
Week 5: Incorporate feedback into handout for CRI. Complete infographics for team accomplishments.
Week 6: Begin drafting Fedora Zine, using a lot of the same team accomplishments that have been gathered already and assets that have been solicited.
Week 7: Incorporate feedback into Fedora Zine. Start working on assets for Flock 2020: game night stickers/handouts, tshirt, badges, and whatever else is left to do.
Week 8: Incorporate feedback into Fedora Zine. Incorporate feedback into Flock assets. Start picking up Fedora Badges tickets to get familiar with the aesthetic.
Week 9: Identify all the Fedora Badges that need to be reviewed/improved. Finalize Flock assets.
Week 10: Final push to finalize Fedora Zine. Familiarize yourself with Fedora Badges Style guide. Work on badges that have been identified as needing improvement.
Week 11: Identify and document things that need to be updated in the style guide, begin to incorporate them into an updated draft. Work on badge designs that need improvement/new ideas.
Week 12: Incorporate improvements and finalize new version of Badges style Guide. Finalize any leftover designs/projects/follow ups that need to be done.

Benefits to intern (What will the intern get out of this internship):
Confidence working in a professional environment.
A network of industry contacts.
Exposure to new skills.
Increased employability.
Exposure to world of open source

Project website:

Project repo:
https://github.com/fedoradesign and some things also stored on fedora-design and fedora-badges pagure pages

Where can an applicant find application tasks?

Skills required including what level and if they are optional:
Excellent computer knowledge and proficiency on either OSX/Windows/Linux
Must be proficient in basic design programs such as Inkscape & GIMP or the Adobe Suite with a willingness to learn the open versions of this software.
Basic to intermediate knowledge of design theory. Fedora uses a strict color/logo guideline, please familiarize yourself with the guidelines and ask questions if you have them!
Basic to intermediate knowledge of typography, infographics, style guides, etc
Solid written, and interpersonal communication skills

Outreachy applicants are required to make a contribution as part of the application. What is the process for making a contribution?
1. Create a FAS account and apply to the 'design' group - Requires CLA+1. One Admin should be present to curate all the time.
2. Subscribe to the design mailing list
3. Introduce yourself to the team! (On the mailing list & IRC) (Telegram suggested)
Join #fedora-design on IRC, Fedora-Design on telegram
Register your nick else freenode wont let you talk half the time
4. Look for issues in the Fedora Design Pagure (mentioned above) tagged "outreachy-task"

Questions from the top level Outreachy Program for the mentor application:
How long have you been contributing to the community:
I have been contributing to the Fedora Project since 2013. I began with an Outreachy internship.

What is your current role:
My current role is within Red Hat OSPO’s team as Fedora’s Community Action and Impact Coordinator. I am also on the Fedora Council, the Fedora Mindshare Committee, the Fedora Design team, and the Fedora Badges team.

Have you mentored for a three-month internship program before:
I have not mentored an internship before.

Have you read the mentor page and understand the process of being a mentor:

Are you available for 5 hours a week during the internship period:

Are you available for 5-10 hours a week during the application period:

Are you aware you need to sign a mentor contract:

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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