One-line name Develop & Design Assets for the Fedora Community Outreach Revamp
Longer description of project The Fedora Design Team is Fedora's in-house design agency. We provide artwork, user experience, usability, and general design services to the Fedora project. This internship will focus on the development & design of assets for the Revamp, including team logos, promotional materials, badges, and swag.
License of the project Variety of licenses.
Longevity (How long has the team accepted contributions) 10+ years
Community size 70+ contributors in the Fedora Design team FAS group
How will this project benefit Fedora The Community Outreach Revamp is one of the Fedora Project's current Objectives. Fedora Objectives are the highest priorities in Fedora until they have been completed. The Revamp focuses on the various community teams within Fedora, and has been ongoing since June 2020. Various parts of the Revamp need designs created, and it is an essential part of the overall plan. The designs the intern creates will be the face of Fedora's new outreach program/teams and provide a base for the evolving identity of Fedora's community outreach.
Sample plan of work for the 12 week internship. What are milestones the intern should be hitting? This doesn't need to be incredibly detailed and can change later but there needs to be a general breakdown of tasks.
Week 1: Design and get approval on sub-team logos. Learn about the Community Outreach Revamp. Meet with the Revamp co-leads. Week 2: Start on layout for Role Handbook pages. Blog post to community blog. Week 3: Work on layout for role handbooks and begin badges. Week 4: Complete layout for role handbooks, and start making versions for each role. Continue work on badges. Week 5: Revisions on role handbook pages. Continue work on badges. Meet with the Revamp co-leads. Week 6: Finish up badges & role handbook pages. Blog post to community blog. Week 7: Begin swag designs & drafting marketing plan. Week 8: Revise swag designs. Incorporate feedback into marketing plan, and begin sketching ideas. Week 9: Finalize swag designs. Begin to create assets for marketing plan such as social media posts, blog posts, HDYF? videos. Meet with the Revamp co-leads. Week 10: Work on assets for marketing plan, and start to publish as produced. Create some one of designs for CommOps docs page. Week 11: Work on marketing plan assets & revise designs for CommOps page. Week 12: Finalize and upload all work. Continue publishing marketing materials. Blog post to community blog.
Logos for: (made with the teams Fedora template) CommOps Join SIG Advocates Ambassadors Ambassador Emeritus Assist with the following deliverables: Draft & execution of marketing plan Role Handbooks Assets for CommOps Docs page Develop designs for swag (exact details TBD): New Ambassador polo Community Outreach Badges Sticker Sheet Unique swag item for Ambassador Emeritus members Create or update the following Fedora Badges: Update/Design badges for each CommOps team Badge for completing Community Surveys Badge for opening a ticket on Mindshare/Ambassador/CommOps/Join SIG repos
Logos for: (made with the teams Fedora template) CommOps Join SIG Advocates Ambassadors Ambassador Emeritus
Assist with the following deliverables: Draft & execution of marketing plan Role Handbooks Assets for CommOps Docs page
Develop designs for swag (exact details TBD): New Ambassador polo Community Outreach Badges Sticker Sheet Unique swag item for Ambassador Emeritus members
Create or update the following Fedora Badges: Update/Design badges for each CommOps team Badge for completing Community Surveys Badge for opening a ticket on Mindshare/Ambassador/CommOps/Join SIG repos
Benefits to intern (What will the intern get out of this internship) Confidence working in a professional environment. A network of industry contacts. Exposure to new skills. Increased employability. Exposure to world of open source
Project website
Project repo and some things also stored on fedora-design and fedora-badges pagure pages
Where can an applicant find application tasks?
IRC fedora-design on
Skills required including what level and if they are optional (e.g. Python Intermediate, CSS beginner, we'll teach you Puppet) Excellent computer knowledge and proficiency on either OSX/Windows/Linux Must be proficient in basic design programs such as Inkscape & GIMP or the Adobe Suite with a willingness to learn the open versions of this software. Basic to intermediate knowledge of design theory. Fedora uses a strict color/logo guideline, Basic to intermediate knowledge of typography, infographics, style guides, etc Solid written, and interpersonal communication skills
Outreachy applicants are required to make a contribution as part of the application. What is the process for making a contribution? 1.Create a FAS account: 2. Subscribe to the design mailing list: 3. Introduce yourself to the team! (On the mailing list & IRC) (Telegram suggested) 4. Join #fedora-design on IRC, Fedora-Design on telegram, or #fedora-design on Element/Matrix (register your nick else freenode or it won't let you send messages) 4. Look for issues in the Fedora Design & Fedora Badges repo (mentioned above) 5. Choose a ticket and ask your mentor @riecatnor to assign it to you. Tag @riecatnor in fedora-design on IRC/telegram/element with your request.
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue tagged with: Outreachy
sounds great +1 on my behalf thank you @riecatnor for the project :)
Metadata Update from @siddharthvipul1: - Issue tagged with: project-idea
Hi @riecatnor,
The deadline for Fedora mentors to select their intern is May 10th. Do not communicate intern selection with applicants until the interns are announced on the alums page at May 17 at 4pm UTC
When the selected interns are announced, we will do an Intern introduction blogpost on the Fedora community blog and plan a social hour with all the mentors and interns (all within first 2 weeks of selection). This keeps the community informed of the efforts and coming work, and gives interns a chance to meet and greet peers other than just the "work" part
Outreachy program expects Interns to write/blog their work somewhere (can be their own blog), we would like to take summary of the work and publish a combined work of all interns in a community blog every 2-3 weeks. I will be sending an email to all the students and mentors with this info once selection is out.
I want to thank you once again for coming up with the project and mentoring the intern
This is all set now :) closing the ticket as fixed
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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