#104 Replacing mleonova as Design/Web representative
Closed: Complete 5 years ago by bex. Opened 5 years ago by nb.

I posted on the design and web mailing lists several weeks on 27 Feb and asked for who was interested in serving as the Design/Web representative on Mindshare. Rick Elrod @codeblock was the only person who expressed interest. I propose that he be selected to fill this seat. I am calling for a full consensus vote (3 +1 and no -1). This vote should be open for 1 week.

Rick has been the lead of our Web team for a few releases now. I think he would be a good choice.

Metadata Update from @nb:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

5 years ago

Somewhat related, it always struck me as odd that Design and Web receive the same seat on Mindshare since they are different teams. Even though they intersect and collaborate often, both are separate teams with their own tickets, processes, and workflows. I see both having value in Mindshare and it gives more of a voice to each of these teams to represent themselves in the Committee.

Personally I believe this could be a good opportunity to revisit why this decision was made originally and consider if it still makes sense today for these teams to be combined into one representative.

We met tonight and are going to vote on accepting this candidate. There was no other interest from anyone in either group. If this vote succeeds we will notify the groups that we are picking this person if there are no objections. We normally want groups to send a rep, not for us to be picking them.

I am +1

@jflory7 I am open to reconsidering this/adding more people, however in this specific instance there were no otehr people offering - so this isn't an either/or

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue priority set to: None (was: awaiting triage)

5 years ago

@jflory7 I am open to reconsidering this/adding more people, however in this specific instance there were no otehr people offering - so this isn't an either/or

To help me better understand, do you know how or where this was opened for discussion with either team? I saw @nb's thread on the Design mailing list here, but I did not notice public ticket or IRC discussion about it in Design Team channels in the last ~20 days since the email was sent. The email is an open-ended call for participation and the team may not have a process in place to quickly replace a Mindshare Committee member.

@jflory7 I talked to @duffy on IRC and she suggested I post to the mailing list for both teams. I did. No one else replied except for @codeblock

Indeed. I am okay being the web contact. I'm less in touch with the design side of things, honestly. But for now I can try to be a bridge between the three teams (mindshare, web, design).

@nb asked me to send a short intro on this ticket.

Hi, I'm Rick. I've been involved in Fedora since mid-2010. I'm on the CPE team at Red Hat, and I'm active within the infrastructure team. Lately, I have taken on a fair number of websites responsibilities including, as @nb said, being responsible for updating the sites for the last few releases. I also wrote a spec/plan for redoing a lot of the web work going forward to make it easier for users, contributors, and developers, to find what they need on the websites and/or contribute to them going forward. I'm still finishing up my undergrad degree, so my schedule is often weird, but the best way to contact me is to ping or PM me on irc (nick on both freenode and internal is relrod).

If the design team doesn't have any complaint, I'm +1 to @codeblock

P.S: Just to let you know, people is going to complaint, really about having only males in the committee. I really don't care, but I know people do, and they complaint about absolutely any detail that can be noticed.

We have given them opportunities to propose other representatives. They have not done so. I posted a reminder on their mailing list a week ago. Plus, the representative is for Design AND Web, not just Design.

I count 5 +1's and no -1's, and no objections on the mailing lists. I believe that means we can count this vote as being successful?

This was reviewed again in the meeting on 3 April and is approved. I'll work on adding @relrod. Welcome!

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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